Chapter Three

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I was really tired. After the movies I went back home and fell asleep. I woke up by the sound of my phone ringing.

- Are you doing something today? - Ashton said at the phone.

- Don't you have things to do?

- It's summer and I am taking a vacation this week and also the next one. So, again, are you doing something today?

- Nope - I said.

- Perfect! I'll pick you up.

- It's not a date, Ashton. I'll pick YOU up for lunch - I said and cut the call.

I bet he was laughing (at least I know I was). This flirtation thing is going to be fun. I am sure I won't fall for him. Ever.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth, done my "natural" makeup. I went back to my room and put on skinny jeans and a t-shirt with the lyric to one of my favourite songs (Friday I'm in love). It was actually Monday and I wasn't. I put on my boots and took my phone. I walked downstairs and said goodbye to my mom.

I walked to his house and knocked on the door. He opened the door and smiled.

- Hey - he said - I thought about staying here but the guys are here and it is annoying. Wanna go to the beach?

- Yeah, let's go.

He closed the door and put his arm around my waist.

- How are you today? - he asked.

- I am laughing at this guy that likes to flirt with me. So I am having fun - we both laughed - what about you?

- I am going to the beach with a beautiful lady.

- Sounds like headache - I laughed.

We got into the beach and sat on the sand. We talked about teenage memories.

- Now tell me about you other life - he said.

- I don't understand.

- You shine bright, Ella. What's your dark side? What keeps you from sleeping tight?

- Oh, that's what you meant.

- Well, you already know my story. I wanna know yours.

- That is not my story is something I must live with.

- Okay. Do you wanna share it with me?

- Alright.

I told him about my father. I told him he had passed away. That by the age of seventeen I was depressed and one day I couldn't stop myself and tried to end with everything. Then I regretted it and got help.

- Are you okay now? - he asked.

- I am. Sometimes it is hard but I keep trying.

- For example?

- The other night I had this nightmare. I was at home and I heard someone screaming. I turned around and there was my father laying on the floor. His leg was bleeding and he was asking me if he was going to be fine. If he was going to die or he would survive. Do you know what I said? - I did a pause - "Dad, it's been eight years since you passed away." And then I woke up. It was awful. And if I think about it I would probably start crying. That's why I try not to.

- You miss him - he said.

- Like crazy. But life doesn't stop for anyone - I said and he smiled.

- Thanks for sharing this - he said.

- I think we should eat something - I didn't want to talk about it...

And so we got into a bar and we both ordered spaghetti. It was my favourite food and also his. He was surprised because I actually did eat. He said his dates never ate all they ordered (even when it was just salad). Then I told him that I wasn't his date and he laughed.

We had this amazing idea: going back to his place to watch a tv show. The dorks would be out and it wouldn't be awkward. We sat in the couch and watched Fargo. Martin Freeman did an amazing job there. Speechless.

I was so into that show that I didn't even notice the fact that my head was lying on his chest and his arms were wrapped around me.

- I like you, Ella - he whispered. I am sure he thought I was asleep. I preferred to act like I actually was. It was an easy way out.

I was no good sharing my feelings. I hated silly love things and all that freak show. I guess I was too tired of hearing people saying things just to be nice that I only wanted to hear the truth and nothing but the truth. If you don't mean it, don't say it at all.

I didn't feel comfortable receiving compliments. It made me feel extremely awkward and I always ignored them. I wasn't this "great thing". I was me and just me. Nothing else.

- Have you ever cheated? - I asked him.

- I am not proud of it - he said - I was stupid and immature back then. Have you?

- It's not on my plans - I said.

I took a glass of coke with ice and started eating the ice like it was candy.

- What are you doing? - he laughed - You'll get a headache.

- It's worth it!

- It's ice.

- Worth it - I screamed and he laughed.

It was fun the fact that we were both twenty years old but still kids at heart.

We realised the dorks were actually at the house. We got into Luke's room and started throwing papers at him so he wouldn't be able to sleep. He got really pissed off or so I thought. Ashton said he would think twice next time he wanted to tease us. I just laughed. Michael heard noises and then joined us throwing papers at Luke. That guy probably hates me now.

Someone knocked the door and we followed Michael to the living room. He opened the door and a tall, thin girl was there. She had a one sleeve tattoo on his left arm, long and brunette hair and big brown eyes. She said hi to Michael and then he introduced us. Her name was Troian and she worked with the guys. She pointed one of Ashton's tattoo and said : "I did this". It had four flowers and a quote: "When the power of love overcomes love of power, the world will know peace". I never looked that tattoo before. I knew it was there but I didn't actually noticed what it was. It was a beautiful tattoo.

Luke showed up at the living room and sat on the floor. He said he had a brilliant idea: to go camping at the weekend. It would be Ashton, Michael, Luke, Calum,  Lucy, Troian, Joann and me. I have no idea who Joann is and I only saw Lucy once. I didn't even think about it and said that me and Calum were going. I mean, he would get to spend more time with Lucy, is this for real a question? We are going.

It was almost seven and I got a couple messages on the phone. It was my mom and she was worried because I didn't leave the house that often and this was new.

- I think I should get going...

- Can I see you tomorrow? - he bit his lower lip.

- I have some things to do but you can come with me if you want to.

- Alright.

- Come to my house at 10 am, okay?

- Is it a date? - he asked.

- I think it's more like "bring a dork to work" day - we both laughed.

- Fair enough - he said and smiled.

- Bye - I said and kissed his cheek.

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