First Chapter

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I hate partys. The fact that I am at one because my best friend Calum is the host is a lot. I have no wonder how people my age are always drinking and stuff. I get it "it's fun" but what about the consecuences? So I am here at the party, sitting in the backyard with a phone on my hands. Pretending to be busy. But then I feel like someone is watching me and I look around. A man, sitting on the floor, next to a tree. Dirty blonde hair with curls. Nice body. He had a pencil on his hands and a notebook. I thought it was just a coincidence but then he was looking back at me once again. If I wasn't shy, I would say something like "excuse me? Do you need something?" But it's not the case. So I look at him pretending I am not. Whenever I feel he is looking at me, I look away.

- Okay, I need to see clearly - he screams and sits next to me. I feel my cheeks turning red.

- Excuse me? - I say. It is notorious he is really looking at me. And he is smiling. This is awkward.

- I am drawing you - he says.

- And what's the name of the artist? - I ask.

- Ashton Irwin - he says - it is nice to meet you...

- My name is Ella Pons.

- Nice - he smiles again - What are you doing here at the backyard?

- I wonder the exact same thing about you.

- I am drawing. I need inspiration.

- What is inspiring about me? - I asked.

- One question at the time. You never answered mine.

- I don't enjoy partys.

- Why?

- "One question at the time. You never answered mine" - I say and we both laughed at the same time.

- Beautiful people inspire me - he said - you are one of them.

- I don't enjoy party's because of the dancing part and the crappy music they listen to - I said avoiding his comment.

- What about your music taste?

- Well, classic rock mostly. It's fun and epic.

- "Fun and epic."

- Yeah, that's what I said. Like when you listen to Queen and you know every little word. Like listening to people who actually do have talent. That is one of a kind and it is so hard to find these days...

- I get what you mean - he said - and I also agree with you.

- What are you to Calum? - I asked.

- Calum works in front of my house. You know the rock place? I own the place and work there.

- So you sell band t-shirts. You probably have good taste in music.

- Actually, I make tattoos and piercings. But yes. I have an amazing taste in music.

- I always wanted to get a tattoo.

- What exactly?

- I don't know.

- I can make you a drawing if you want.

- We will see about that.

- I finished it - he said and showed me the drawing.

- Oh, wow. It really looks like me.

- Yeah - he said - Would you like to go for a walk? I don't wanna be rude but this party blows.

- Well, Calum is having a great time. He won't notice if I leave.

- So, we are leaving?

- Yeah, why not?

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