Why me? Chapter 3 (ashleys perspective)

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I woke up to hearing Barbie on the tv. I haven't heard that in a while, Elle had grown out of Barbie before she was six! I decided to get up and make Reese and Avree breakfast. I asked the girls, "what would you Little munchkins like to eat?" Reese replied "pancakes!" After that, Avree decided to yell "mmm yummy". I got out a pan, cooking spray, batter, one cup of milk and one cup of water. Elle finally walks into the kitchen from bed, saying "don't forget the orange juice". Elle loves orange juice, so does Reese. I get all 3 of the girls a cup of orange juice. I spray the pan and mix the batter. I pour the batter into the warm pan and turn on the stove to high. I make the pancakes, serve them onto plates and give them to the girls. Avree soon after said "ugh, this juice is disgusting",  Elle then replied, hand it here", and began chugging it.  The girls gobbled the pancakes up. We left early for school today because I decided I was going to get the girls some new clothes. I brought the girls to the children's place while Elle went over to Garage. Elle decided to get a yellow lettuce cut off the shou,dear top and a pair of blue jeans ripped at the knee. I brought the girls to school, went home and had a long nap.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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