Long-Distance Call- Part 1

Start from the beginning

"What? No. There has to be something out there that will save you. I mean, I don't trust her but Ruby said she'll help save you. I mean I know it's wrong to trust a demon but it's all we got right now."

"Y/N, there is no way to save me. Ruby lied."

"What? How do you know that?" You asked.

"Because she told me. Flat out. No one can save me. No one." Every word that came out of his mouth, broke your heart.

"When did you find this out?" You glared at him. However, he didn't answer. You knew that by the silence, he's known for a while. "And you just somehow neglected to tell me about this??"

"Well, I really don't care what that bitch thinks and neither should you, so..."

"She's a demon, Dean. She knows about this more than anyone else! I mean, I don't trust her but I would take her word for this kind of thing." You got tears.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but now maybe you'll just stop looking." Dean sighed.

"I'll stop looking when I see your dead body in front of me." You snapped, crossing your arms and looked out the window. Sam and Dean both sighed but no one else said a thing.


As Dean turned into the driveway of a man named Ben Waters, you thought about his case. Apparently, he died in his study with the phone ripped out of the wall. It was weird enough for your dad to deem it a case is that is why you were here.

You got out of the car and walked to her front door, knocking on it. An older woman answered the door. You introduced yourselves as FBI agents and she graciously let you inside. She guided you through to the study and you bit your lip when you saw stains of blood on the wall.

"I found him there." Mrs. Waters said, pointing to the study.

"Why don't you tell us everything you saw, Mrs. Waters," Dean asked while you and Sam walked into the room to check it out.

"You mean besides my dead husband?" She glared.

"Just everything else you saw. Please." Sam asked as he walked back to her and Dean.

"Blood. Everywhere. The phone was ripped from the wall, his favorite scotch on the desk, what else could you possibly want to know?"

"Why was the phone ripped from the wall?" You asked, looking at the holes on the wall where the phone used to be.

"I don't know," She stuttered. "I already went over this with the other detectives."

"We'll be out of your hair in no time, ma'am." Dean smiled at her.

"Ma'am, what time did your husband die?" Sam asked and you looked over at him to see him pressing some buttons on the phone that was ripped from the wall.

"Sometime after 11." She said with a sigh. Sam waited until you and Dean were looking at him and he subtly tapped the phone's screen. Something was going on with the phone.

"What about strange phone calls? Receive any of those lately, weird interference, static, anything like that?" Dean asked the woman and she immediately went into defensive mode.

"No," She crossed her arms had Dean raised one eyebrow to let her know he knew it was bullshit. "No!"

"Look, Mrs. Waters, if you know something, you need to tell us. I don't care how crazy it might seem. It could help, okay?" You said to her gently, hoping she would just tell you.

"A couple of weeks ago, uh... there was this..." She tried to get out but she couldn't seem to find the words.

"This what?" You asked and she sighed once more.

"I woke up one morning, and I heard Ben in his study. I thought he was talking to a woman."

"What made you think that?" Sam asked.

"Because he kept calling her Linda. The thing is, I picked up the other line and nobody was there, Ben was talking to nobody."

"There was nothing?"

"Just static."

"Did you ever speak to Ben about this phone call?" You wondered.

"No. I should have but... no."

"Did he ever say who Linda was?" Sam asked.

"What difference does it make? There was nobody on the other end!" Mrs. Waters said, getting visibly upset. You nodded and looked at the brothers. It was time to go because if she was getting this defensive and upset, then you wouldn't be getting anything more out of her.

"Well, thank you for your time but we should be leaving. Please, if you remember something else, no matter how crazy it may seem, give us a call, okay?" You said, handing her a business card with your name and number on it. You and Sam made these for the victims and witnesses in case they heard of anything else. She nodded and took the card. You and the Winchesters left her house.

"Okay, that was a bust." You sighed as you walked to the Impala.

"Maybe not. Look, when I was checking the phone out, there was a weird number on it, nothing like I've never seen before. I'm going to do some research on it and maybe you two can figure out who this Linda woman is?" Sam asked and you nodded, looking at Dean who agreed.

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