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Amethyst's POV

Millard and I turned to leave at the same time and...

"Oh my god! Millard, Enoch's gonna kill you!" Emma squealed. Our lips touched, we kissed. It was an accident, but- "Am, I'm so sorry!" Mill ran off and I glared at the girls. "Now look what you did! And who gives a fück what Enoch thinks? I don't like him and he doesn't like me." After that, I ran in the direction I saw Millard go. As I did, someone ran into me. "Oh! Sorry, Horace!" I brushed him down quickly before running back after Millard. "Amethyst, wait!" Horace's voice was muffled and I turned curiously.

Where'd he go?

Enoch's POV

As I went to leave my room, Horace and Amethyst hit into each other not much last my door. "Oh! Sorry, Horace!" Am quickly brushes the smart blonde down before running off again. What's her hurry?

I suddenly remember why I opened my door and grab Horace, pulling him into my room. I shut the door quickly and stand against it. "Enoch! Let me out!" Horace sounds so childish. "Listen. I need a favour. That dream you saw if me and Amethyst? I need another one."
"You can't just order dreams, Enoch. That's not how it works."
"I know! But please, just anything about me and Amie? Please?"

He seemed shocked that I said please twice and nodded, "I'll try my best." I thanked him then let him leave before looking around my dismal room. Grey this, black that. The smell of dead animals hanging in the air. I can see why people don't like me now.

Jake's POV

I ditch my dad and run back to the loop. Mainly to tell Amethyst she's been announced dead on Cairnholm but also to see Emma. I really think I'm falling for her.

I was brought back to earth when the door to the children's home opens. Amethyst is hugging Millard from behind and they're both laughing, making me smile. "What's up with you two?" I ask them, walking in to see that Claire opened the door. "Well someone was in a bit of a shy mood so I did the only thing I know best and tickled the confidence into him." Am explained, tickling Mill further and making him laugh.

"O-Okay, ok-kay! I g-give in, just s-s-stop!" The invisible boy spluttered between fits of laughter. Am soon stopped and the pair of them ran upstairs. "Emma is outside." Claire's small voice smiled at me and before I knew it my feet were pulling me to the garden.

Amethyst's POV

I ran from Millard as he tried to get me back for tickling him. My legs directed me to the library and I quickly ran between bookshelves, confusing the younger boy greatly. There was a set of shelves in the corner of the room that was set wrong and, if I held my breath and turned my head, I could fit through the gap. So I did.

"Come out come out wherever you are." Mill's voice changed into some form of fake-menace and I held back a giggle, listening to him as I peeked through the gap. Millard's footsteps ceased near my hiding spot and his head snapped towards the door. "What're you doing here?" Me? Huh? "Putting a book back, what d'ya think?" Enoch.

Oh no.

"We'll hurry up and get out. We don't want you in here with us." Millard made me want to smash my head into a wall when he said that. "We?" Enoch's accent, oh my god. "Amie and Me."
"She's here?"
"Hiding from you and your verbal abuse."
"I don't verbally abuse her."
"Yeah you do."
"No I don't!"

This back and forth 'yes you did' 'no I didn't' type argument went in for a while, allowing me to zone out. Every time I zone out, however, I sing quietly. Which revealed my hiding spot.

"The moment you arrived, they built you up
the sun was in your eyes
You couldn't believe it
Riches all around, you're walking
Stars are on the ground
You start to believe it"

A face suddenly pushed its way between the shelves, reminding me of Jonny from The Shining. "Found you." Millard smiled behind Enoch, who's face was between the shelves. Rolling my eyes, I pushed Enoch away and then squeezed myself out too. Millard instantly jumped on me and I squealed, grabbing his legs and piggy-backing him round the library. Enoch stood still, arms over his chest as he watched with a raised eyebrow.

"Jeez, Enoch, its like no ones ever taught you to have fun." I laughed, using his proper name for the first time in a while. Wait, what? Oh great, that's gonna backfire soon. Enoch smiled slightly, "So now you know my name."
"Always knew it, couldn't be bothered to use it."
"Fair play." We laughed lightly and I put Millard down on a table, tying my hair up into a ponytail. "Okay. Who wants to play..... charades?" I smiled at them both. Mill's hat bobbed back and forth, signalling a yes and Enoch... well, he shrugged I think.

We all sat round a table, and the boys argued on who would go first. "Oh my gospel, just shut up. I'll go first!" I told them, laughing lightly at the end. They both mumbled an 'okay' and I smiled before trying to think of a book that had been made into a movie. Harry Potter? Nah, too new. Cinderella? Too girly. Oooo, Peter Pan. Yeah, that'll do. I quickly put my palms together and then opened them in the form of a book. "Book." The boys said in sync, causing me to nod.

My hand went up in a peace sign and the boys guessed it was two letters, earning another nod. Now for the tricky part. Good thing I learnt sign language back in primary school! (Middle school for all you American hoes (jk I love you really please don't hate me)) I signed the letters for P-E-T-E-R and the boys - or the one I could see - looked at me in utter confusion. "Come again?" Millard asked, making me hold back laughter. I tried to sign it a different way and soon they got it.

Who knew charades could last an entire afternoon?

Didn't realise how many words I was at so had to cut it short XD Make sure you follow my best friend RainbowWizzKid and that you enjoyed this chapter. Cya in the next one, bai!

X Caitlin X

November 23rd, 2018

Papilon Vs O'Connor (ENOCH × OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt