II | R O S E

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Bronwyn's POV

"Well if you stopped yelling at me, I wouldn't hit her head, would I!?" I sassed Enoch quietly. He rolled his eyes and took the 17 year old from me, taking her to her room. I rolled my eyes too and went off with Olive to get Amethyst some food and a drink. We already knew she feared water, so I made her a hot chocolate. Miss L said it was her favourite drink, so hopefully it would make her feel more at ease.

Olive boiled the kettle for me and we made small talk as she set about making a light meal for our new roommate. "So what do you think she's like? Personality wise." Olive asked me. I shrugged and carefully added the chocolate powder, "Hopefully she's fun. And talkative, like Victor was." She nodded again, "And maybe I can help her control her fire power! Because it's not like she can wear a full body suit made of leather."

We both laughed at that idea and went back up to where Enoch and Amie were. We knocked on the door and he answered, holding it open for us. "Thanks, Enoch. Miss P said you two have to be here for when she wakes up, because your peculiarities are similar to hers. Bye!" I chirped before running off to play with Claire and the twins.

Enoch's POV

Bronwyn left and I rolled my eyes as I shut the door. Amethyst was still asleep and Olive was lighting the fireplace in the room. "Did she wake at all while we were gone, hun?" She asked, her sickeningly sweet voice echoing through the room. "Don't call me that!" I snapped. "And no, she did not wake. Bronwyn bashed her into the wall enough times to keep her out cold for a good 20 more minutes."

She looked a little hurt at my first four words,but nodded and moved the hot cocoa to near the fire so it stayed warm. Rolling my eyes yet again, I sat on the chair by the bed. Amethyst murmured in her sleep and Olive quickly moved to her side. "Is it just me or is she burning up?" She asked worriedly as she looked at me.

Leaning forward, I pressed a hand to the girls head then retracted it quickly, "Holy hell, that's hot! Go get Emma." I instructed Olive, removing the thick cover from Amethyst's body. She nodded and ran off to find her best friend while I out out the fire and carefully removed the... leather?... jacket from the sleeping girl's body. She gasped a little and her eyes shot open, looking at me with worry before shutting them and falling asleep again.

Well that was... strange...

Soon she was out of the jacket and sleeping atop the covers. Emma walked in, "What's the problem?" She asked with a hint of worry. I looked up at her and answered, "The problem is our new roommate it overheating like hell. Can you cool her down?" Why do I sound so worried? I barely know the purple haired girl, why does she matter to me!? Oh well, doesn't matter. I left Emma and Olive to cooling the new girl and stalked off back to my room.

Once there, I started making a new homuncoli out of clay. For some reason, I was more careful with the details in this one. It even had hair and facial features. And... strangely similar to the new girl. Brushing that aside, I stood up and grabbed the jar of mouse hearts. Nope, too big. On to the... shoot, they're the smallest I got aside from bug hearts.

Wait! Argh, my stock up day is Thursday, today is Monday! I'm guessing. I've been keeping up with the normal world. Sorta. Anyways, 3 more resets and I can get the baby shrew hearts. Until then, this strangely detailed and lifeless doll can stay on the desk. Where I won't touch it and ruin it because it's the best thing I've ever made!

"You... You made her? Into a homuncoli?" Olive's hurt voice asked from the doorway. Why is she here? "Go away, Olive. Why don't you go gossip with Emma about how fun it is to forever be a teen." I retorted, sitting on my bed and tossing the jar of hearts between my hands. She huffed and walked away, taking Emma with her. Rolling my eyes, I leant against the headboard and listened to the room behind me. Amethyst's room.

"Who do you think you are
Running round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
Tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
Don't come back for me
Don't come back at all"

Is that her? Singing? Wow, that's amazing. She's really got a gift. Well, of course, I mean, she's a peculiar, of course she has a gift. But like, this is a wight kind of gift. Like how Horace has fashion sense and Claire is good with people. Wight gifts. And Amethyst... She's different. In a good way though! God, there's something wrong with me today.

Amethyst's POV

After the two girls left, I downed the hot chocolate and nibbled on whatever food they gave me. I hadn't had anything since that service station in Le Delemair and that was a couple days ago. So of course I should be starving. Only I wasn't. I was just thirsty for cocoa. (*insert awkward laugh*)

Making sure I was alone and my door was shut tight, I sat on the bed and searched through my backpack. "Whatcha looking for, honey?" James asked, floating midair. I ignored him for the first time ever and continued searching for my iPhone. Did I even pack it? Wait, I did, there it is. My lovely iPhone 6 ((I can't remember if they were out in 2016 or not, just roll with it!)) Untangling my headphones, I searched the room for the best signal then pressed play on my play list.

Music makes me calm. Clears my mind of all the shit I've been through recently. Jar of Hearts came on and I hummed along until the chorus came. It's the best part if you ask me.
"Who do you think you are
Running round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
Tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
Don't come back for me
Don't come back at all"

There was a thump on the wall opposite me and I nearly jumped out my skin. James laughed and came through the wall, "Some kid just dropped a jar of hearts as you were singing jar of hearts! How ironic!"

Ugh, boyfriends.

Hope you liked this. Cya in the next chapter, bai!
X Caitlin X

September 2nd, 2018

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