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Amethyst's POV

After the Olive situation, I went to Miss P's office and knocked on the door. She told me to come in and I spent the next hour having a lecture on how I must control my temper and not lash out on other people. Honestly, such a snooze fest. I've already heard this stuff from Miss L when I was twelve and again at fifteen. I don't need it from her.

One Week Later...

"Bronwyn, please! I don't want to go outside!" For the fifth time I tried to grab my door handle back from the small girl but she just laughed and ran away. Ugh, kids.

Running after her, I realised everyone was outside and my chest tightened. "B-Bronwyn! S-Stop!" I exclaimed, standing a couple feet from the back door. My hands were firmly against the counter behind me and I dug my nails into the wooden surface. Bronwyn stopped and turned to see what state I was in before gasping and running back. "I'm so sorry, Amie! Claire wanted you to play with us and I didn't know what else to do!" Her voice was starting to fade before a pair of hands were suddenly on my shoulders.

At first I thought it was Miss P, but these hands steered me into an empty room and shut the door. "It's alright, newbie, everyone is gone now." Scottish. Enoch. Slowly, I took control of my breathing and looked up at him. His face focused and - I don't know why I did this - I hugged him. "Thank y-you, Enoch." I felt his hand gingerly pat my back as he muttered, "It's fine." Soon, he was properly hugging me, holding me close as I started to cry slightly.

"Hey, it's okay. You're okay, there's no need to cry," The boy stroked my hair and I eventually calmed down, pulling away from him. "Bronwyn still has my door handle." My voice was quiet but he still heard. Walking away, Enoch shit the door behind him and I looked around for any sign of James or Tommy or even Millard cuz he's invisible.

I saw nothing.

James's POV

That doll loving freak likes my girl!!

I saw Amethyst close to having a antic attack in the kitchen and went to help but Enoch got there first. How rude! She's my girlfriend, not his! He steered Gem away from the crowd of kids behind him and into a room, where he shut the door. Of course I went through anyways; someone's gotta watch out for her.

Doll boy stood there and told her that she was fine and the kids were gone while I leant on the wall and watched angrily. Soon, Amie recognised the voice and looked up at him. And hugged him. She freaking hugged him!! The anger rose up in me and I left. Away from the home.

Away from her.

Tomos's POV

James left and I took his place. Amethyst was hugging the boy and it made me smile. She was safe; she was happy with him. I'd never seen we this happy with James. Which is probably why he's left; he knows it's true.

The boy walked away to retrieve Amie's door handle and I quickly walked offer him, curious to see what he would do. But that meant I had to leave Amethyst. "Bronwyn!!" The boy yelled as he stood at the back door. A girl with brown ringlets and a bow in her hair -who I'm guessing is this Bronwyn character - looked up and ran over, door handle in her pocket. "Yeah, Enoch?" She asked sweetly. If I wasn't dead, I'd probably ask her out. Despite being six years old.

Enoch asked for the door handle back and Bronwyn hung her head as she fished it from her pocket and handed it to him. "I didn't mean to cause that. Honestly." She told him. He nodded and pat the girls ringlets, "I know, Wyn. And newbie does too."
"She has a name!"

They both looked around curiously and I covered my mouth in shock. "Y-You heard me?" I asked quietly. Bronwyn reached out and put her hand straight threw me before screaming, "Ghost! There's a ghost! I felt it!" She then ran out and Enoch put his hand through me as well. "Well I'll be darned," He muttered. "Look, ghost. I don't know what you're doing here but the light is up, okay?"

I growled annoyingly, "I can't leave, idiot! We're all bound to our killer. So sadly, I'm stuck here!" With that, I rushed off back to Amethyst.

Amethyst's POV

I saw Tommy run in and immediately couched down to hug him. Yes, I can touch the ghosts. Not very important though. "What did you do, Tommy?" I whispered. "They- They heard me. Enoch and Bronwyn. They head me, Amie!" I was shocked to say the least. How could they heard him?

Just then, Enoch walked in and I scrambled to hide Tomos behind my back. "Got your door handle, lass." He smirked, handing me the cold metal item. "T-Thanks.... H-How did you h-hear him?" I answered then asked.
"Hear who?"
"The ghost? Dunno, just did."
"You scared him."

Tommy jumped up and I caught him in my arms. Earning a confused look from the Scottish dick in front of me. "Is he... Are you...?" He couldn't find the right words so I answered for him. "Is he here? Yes. Am I holding him? Yes. Is he my brother? Yes. Am I going to leave now? Well, go back to one, two and three." With that I left the room and went up to my own.

No one upsets my Little Tommy. Or gets away with it.

Hope you enjoyed this. Cya in the next chapter! Bai!
X Caitlin X

September 16th, 2018

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