Chapter 16

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lol I kinda took a break, so I don't know if any of you are still reading/keeping up with this story anymore. But like I said, since I got 9,000 reads I am going to update. I obviously did since you are reading this right now :) well, enjoy I suppose.

^^^^^^^^^^^^lol I wrote that when I was first about to write this chapter. now it has even a lot more than that, so thank you all so much. I love you, my kiddos, and I really appreciate it. I really do, my parents are so proud of me! hahahah.

 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^and now, it's like a kagillion years after that. gah, I am so sorry. Like I am seriously going to start bawling. I am a fail at life, and yes I do recognize it.


 I awoke by an abrupt shake of the cart, my back cracking by the sudden jerk. I ripped out of Jason's arms, and looked out into the hazy distance, catching my breath from the minor heart attack I'd just recieved. The sun was only barely visible over the horizon, so it couldn't have been later than 6 in the morning. I glanced back down at Jason, his hand grazing my theigh. I sent him a small smile, and he wrinkled his nose at me.

"Lay back down. You're safe, it happens all the time." He sent me a reassuring smile, patting the space next to his head.

I still wore a weary look across my face. "Are you sure?" What if the cart comes unattatched, and we go spiralling off a cliff?"

"We die." He said blatantly.

I couldn't help but let out a small giggle. "What a positive thought, Jason, I love you too."

He gleamed, slithering his arm across my waist and lightly laying me back down next to him. "You're the one who came up with the idea of us spiralling off a cliff, you little bi-"

I didn't hesitate to punch him in the crotch. Of course, as I expected, he over-dramatized it, and rolled around a minute before coming back to me, his arm pulling me into his chest again. "Sweetheart. You little sweetheart."

I smirked, the wind blowing against my face as I layed enveloped in a strong pair of arms. "Much better."

We rested in silence. I layed with my eyes closed, but I couldn't quite get back to sleep, probably a combination of the light getting brighter and brighter, and all of the jitters that still roll through my stomach. And with my eyes closed, and the wind slightly blowing my hair behind my face, I couldn't help but think about all of the seconds I wouldn't get to feel it if I was asleep.

I'd thought Jason had fallen back asleep, but he proved me wrong. I felt his head lift up to the side of my face, his lips grazing near my ear. "Do you like it up here?"

I felt my cheeks get warmer, and I couldn't tell if it was Jason's warm breath or my body heat rising to my face. Problably both. "Yeah, it's really relaxing. There's been so much going on recently, I mean, you would know. You've lived it with me."

His lips planted onto my cheek near my ear, kissing me multiple times before pulling back to speak. "I want you to know you're safe."

I rolled my eyes. "You say that, but you don't know that. For all you know, there could be cops in this train right now."

He chuckled. "For one, this is a freight train, so I doubt there are any cops aboard. Second, you have to know I'd do anything for you, right? I don't care what it is, I'll do it because that's just kinda how love works."

I felt delight fill my face, and I twisted in his arms so I could face him, tucking my head into the crook of his neck. "I love you," I mummbled, gripping onto him tightly.

I heard him laugh out loud. "I love you too, kid."

I looked up into his eyes, which were glowing brown. I felt the corners of my mouth turn upward, and even as I sweeped my lips on his, I couldn't control it. I felt like nothing could pull us apart.

And it couldn't have been more perfect.

~            ~            ~


After another couple of hours, I began recognizing the area surrounding us, We were getting close to the train station, and we were dead meat if we were caught on top of that thing.

I gently shook Clara awake from her soft slumber. Her eye lids fluttered open, and I smiled down at her, brushing her hair out of her face. "We gotta jump soon, sport."

 She blinked another couple of times. "What? Already?"

I nodded, looking off into the now brighter distance. "We can't be on here when it pulls into the station, or we're screwed."

She yawned, gripping onto my jacket to pull herself up right. "Okay. Might as well get it over with now, so that we can get to where ever we're going."

I gleamed at her, grabbing her waist and pulling her into me. "We're gonna be fine, alright?"

She smiled back to me. "I think as long as we're together, we can do anything."

I took it into thought. I remembered something Ralph had told me a long time ago, about how we weren't put down on this earth to do things alone. We were created in a community, to do things together. And if you're happy with another person, and that's who you want to do things with, then you're not alone, and that's all that matters.

I hated being alone.

"Some love was made for the lights, Clara. But I think ours was made to last" I assured her, and she looked out infront of her, not hunched over, but sitting straight up with me. It was a growing sign of how strong she was getting to be.

"Me too."


aw omg I hope you like it! I'm gonna try to update soon... but then again, I said the same thing like 9 months ago.

NEVER LET GO [jason mccann]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt