Chapter 4

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another chapter (: I wanna know who reads this, so why don't you commentt? (: I don't think this chapter is really good (It's kind of like a chapter to lead up to the next one.) so yeah. but read it anyway! (:



    "Jason, go get the girl from the basement. She has to b starving by now." Ralph told me when I groggily entered the kitchen, only wearing a pair of tattered grey sweatpants. I turned on my heels and stepped down the basement stairs, finding Clara sprawled out on the floor, sleeping like a baby.

    I walked over and gently shook her shoulder, brushing her sidebangs out of her eyes. "Come on, sleepy head, time to wake up. Breakfast is waiting in the kitchen." Her eyes fluttered open, and I couldn't help but smile. I helped her up, and we climbed the stairs to the kitchen, where pancakes waited for us.

    Clara's eyes lit up like fire, as she sat down at the table. She picked up a pancake, and ate it like a taco. "So... only one week until we rob a bank and die, right?"

    I sighed. "Clara, we aren't going to die. We're going to escape just fine."

    "What ever you say..." She said, shoving her last bite of pancake in her mouth. She looked down at her plate, but I continued to stare at her. After a minute, she looked up, and I could see the sadness in her eyes. "Why are you staring at me?" She asked.

    "You don't trust me." I said flatly.

    "What? No, I do." She replied.

    "No, you don't" I told her.

    "Yes, I do."

    "No, you don't"

    "Yes, I do."

    "No, you don't"

    "Alright, fine, I don't trust you. Happy?"  She finally admitted.

    "I'm happy you finally admitted it. Not that you don't trust me." I said.

    "Well, Jason," She started, "think about it. All I know about you is that you're incredibly sweet, but you like to commit crimes. So those things cancel eachother out, making me know nothing about you."

    I laughed on the inside, but maintained a straight face. "Well, do you want to know more?"

    She smiled. "Not sure if I want to."

    "Of course you want to. Now come on and get ready, so I can show you everything there is to know about me." I gleamed, and she smiled back at me. I cleaned our plates, and we walked upstairs. I dug around in my closet, until I found a red shirt, which read 'OBEY' across the chest. "Can you wear the same shorts? I don't really have any girl shorts." I scratched the back of my head.

    She giggled. "Yeah, it's fine. Okay, I'm going to take a shower." She accepted the shirt, and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

    I stood still for a minute, twiddling my thumbs. There was so much to show her. Suddenly, someone's hand flew over my mouth, while the other clenched my wrist, and they yanked me into a seperate room.

    "What did you do with Jason?" Ralph's voice growled.

    "I am Jason!" I said, licking his hand. He finally had enough spit all over his hand, so he let me go. I panted from the lack of air, as he repeatedly wiped his hand off on his shorts.

    "No, you're not. MY Jason would be all over this bitch by now. Raping, threatening. But you're being all... nice." Ralph said, scrunching his eyebrows together.

    A smile was itching at my face. "I don't know, man. There's just something about h-"

    "I thought I made it clear that my only rule is that you can't fall in love." Ralph interupted, inching torward me.

    I gulped, but didn't shrink under him. "I'm not in love, Ralph. Even if I was, you can't control that kind thing."

    "I can try." He smirked. He threw a punch at my face, making me fall to the ground. I brung my hand up to my face, and I accidently smacked it, making it hurt even more. "Don't break rules, and you won't be punished. That goes for your girlfriend, too. He kicked me in the side, and strolled out of the room.

    I just layed there in pain, until I heard the door open, and Clara discovered me curled up in a little ball. "Jason? What happened to you?" She asked, kneeling down beside me.

    I concidered telling her to leave so I could avoid being beaten again, but being without her would hurt more than being with her. "Ralph. But don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

    "My mom was a nurse, I know how to handle this. Don't worry, I'll be back in a minute." She said, then hurried down the stairs.


    I got out of my shower, and got my clean shirt and pale blue jean shorts on, thinking everything was fine. I slid on a pair of Jason's black Nike socks, and walked down the hall torward the stairs. I heard the faint sound of chatter coming from the other direction, and I stopped in place.

    Abruptly, the door burst open from Jason's room, and Ralph came out. "Your boyfriend is in his room." he muttered, and I blushed. Boyfriend? I shook away the thought, and hurried into his room, finding Jason curled up in a ball on his messy bedroom floor. "Jason? What happened to you?" I asked, getting on my knees next to him. I brushed my fingers over the huge bruise and black eye on his face.

    "Ralph," He mumbled, "But don't worry about me, I'll be fine.

    "My mom was a nurse,  I know how to handle this. Don't worry, I'll be back in a minute." I said, running off before he could argue. I ran down the stairs, and emptied and ice tray into a ziplock bag. I sealed it shut, and grabbed a towel, covering the bag with it, then I ran back upstairs to Jason's room.

    "Here you go, Jason." I said, placing the bag of ice on his face. Since he didn't bother bother to hold it there himself, I held it there for him, which I didn't mind. "You need anything else?" I asked, wiping the beads of sweat off of his forehead with my wrist.

    "Can you get me a glass of water? There are cups and water in the bathroom." he said.

    "Of course." I replied. I hurried into the bathroom, and got him some water, but when I came out, there was an aditional person.


    "Uh...hi." I mumbled.

    "Hi Clara." he smiled, and I knew something terrible was bound to happen. I stepped over to Jason and handed him his water, then I turned to face Ralph.

    "What are you here for?" I muttered through clenched teeth.

    "Oh, nothing. Just here to show little Jason here a lesson." He shrugged.

    "I think you've done enough." I said, turning back to Jason, who was now laying down on his bed.

    "Not quite." He smiled again, grabbing my arm. He spun me around torward him, and planted his lips on my forehead. I felt like I was going to throw up.

    "Jason, help me!" I cried. I tried to run to him, but Ralph pulled me back, and his lips lingered on top of my head. "Jason, please." I actually started to cry, and as Ralph started pulling me into the bathroom. I closed my eyes, desperatly waiting for something, or in this case someone, to save me.

    Suddenly, I heard a whimper behind me, and I was dropped to the floor. I turned around and Ralph was laying lifelessly on the floor, while Jason hovered above him. "Come on," he said, "Let me show you my life, like I promised."


cuhh-ute (: except for when Ralph tried to rape Clara. yeah, that wasn't cool at all. lol. feedbackk (:

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