Chapter 6

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    My smile dimmed as we approached a small, white, storage garage, with the paint peeling off of the sides. "Jason, I don't want to go in there..." I gulped.

    He stopped, and looked into my eyes. "Why not?"

    I looked down and starred at the grass as it blew with the wind. "I... I'm afraid."

    His shoulders sunk, and his eyes darkened. "Come on, Clara. Please, just trust me. I can promise you right now that nothing is going to hurt you."

    I thought about it for a second, then I held up a pinky. "Pinky promise?"

    He chuckled, and grasped my pinky with his. "Pinky promise. Now come on, and let me show you this place." He grabbed my hand, which made me feel so much safer and comforatable. He led me through the big white doors, and I was surprised about how right on I was about the look of the place.

    The insides were dull and rusted, and it had cobwebs in every corner. There was a table in the center, which was covered in papers that had been scribbled all over. There were a few screw drivers laying with a few parts beside the tables. Then there were bombs. Bombs all over the place, bombs everywhere. Bomb parts, bomb blue prints, small bombs, big bombs, bombs.

     My whole body started to shake because of how scared I was. These bombs, they could go off at any moment. I could be blown to bit any second! I shuttered, ruffing with the hem of my shirt with my free hand.

    Jason gently squeezed my hand assuring me quietly that I was going to make it, and that in the end we would both be all right. I calmed down a little bit, and focused on the swiftness of his thumb stroking my hand back and fourth. The bombs started to disapear from my mind as I began to slowly calm down.

    "Ok, Clara, I can see you've calmed down. This is where I... uh, do my job. Obviously, which is making bombs." Jason gulped, looking down at his shoes. It's such a shy trait to have for a person with such a grusome job. "I just thought I should show you, since, you know, it's a big part of my life."

    I gulped, and nodded my head. "What are all of these...bombs... for?"

    He shrugged. "Well, you can't go out much when you are someone like me. So what else is there for me to do?"

    I nodded my head, and slightly tugged his hand backwards. "Can we get out of here now? You know, since you showed me all this place has to offer..." I trailed off. Jason nodded his head, and lead me out. For some reason, I started breathing like you do after you hold your breath to the extent that you could die any second.

     He smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. "Thanks for atleast going in there with me."

    I smiled. "No problem, really. I could go in there again if you asked me to."

    He smirked. "Go in there with me again, then."

    My face went pale. "Jason, I didn't mean it li-" He cut me off by picking me up and dashing into the shed again, me screaming in terror all the way in. He ran with me all the way to the other wall, where he dropped me on to my feet and pressed me against the wall, resting his forehead on mine.

     He grabbed my hands, and we both smiled so widely. I think that was about the moment when I felt like I actually connected with him. I mean, this whole time I thought it was crazy for it to be possible to have a strong bond with people so different as Jason and I, but I realized at that moment that no matter how different you are, there'll always be some connection. You just have to look for it.

    He pulled me off of the wall, and rushed us out the door, and on to the next place. It was already getting dark, so he'd better get done soon enough.


LMAOO I'M SUCH A TEASE :P. you thought they were gonna kiss, huh? WELL TOO BAD, NOT YET (: hahaha. guess who wants feedback? Oh yeah, ME! happy new years eve!

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