-Chapter 22-

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I spent the better part of 4 hours looking for Clint, until finally realizing that I'm not going to find him tonight I drive back to the tower.
Steve got back while I was out driving around.

I'm laying in my bed drifting between awake and asleep when my phone starts to buzz on my nightstand. I roll over and snatch it up before the call goes to voice mail.

"Hello"? I mumble rubbing my eyes in a vain attempt to wake myself up.

"I'm lost" A voice says, the two words slurring together.

"What"? I ask confused.

"I don't know where I am- it's freaking me out" The voice says still heavily slurred.

I jolt to sitting position when it hits me no one else has this number besides the guys one of whom is in a different realm and one is down the hall.

"Clint"? I ask throwing the blankets off.

"I don't know where I am or how I got here" He says, I can hear cars and people yelling in the background.

"Are you ok? I hear yelling" I say blindly searching my dark room for my boots and coat.

"It isn't about me" He mumbles.

"Can you tell me the address" I ask.

I get an incoherent reply from him, then there's a clatter.

"You dropped the phone didn't you"? I ask knowing he can't hear me.

"Jarvis track this call for me" I ask jogging down the hall.

"Right away Ms Stark" Jarvis says.

"Call located, Louise's pub on the lower east side" Jarvis interjects.

"Clint stay where you are I'm on my way" I say grabbing the car keys.

"You got it sparkles" He says.

The call cuts off.

"Damn it, wake Steve up would you Jarvis" I say nearly tripping over Steve's boots by the elevator.

Then the Captain himself stumbles into the common room.

"What's going on? You ok"? He asks.

"Clint just called me he's drunk. Jarvis tracked the call to a bar in the lower east side, I just wanted to tell you before I left" I say pushing the down button to the elevator.

"How drunk"? Steve asks sounding more awake now.

"Well he called me sparkles, if that gives you any indication" I shrug stepping on when the doors open.

"Do want me to come with you? The lower east side isn't the best place this time of night" He says picking up his sweater from the back of the couch.

Yeah ok he's right super powers or not I don't want to go out there alone.

"Put your shoes on, let's go get him"

Thor point of view

"We have searched all over, there is no sign of her" One of my father's guards tells me.

"Then search harder! One of the most powerful enchantresses has escaped and could be anywhere in the nine realms" I snap back to him.

"Apologies, we will keep looking" He walks away briskly.

"Where do you think she is hiding"? Lady Sif asks from behind me.

"I'm hoping on Vanahiem" I sigh spinning my hammer in my hand.

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