The First Day (Prologue)

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Virgil looked around at the camp nervously. He couldn't believe himself. Fourteen years old and just getting over his worries about going to a sleep away camp for a month. His dad had encouraged him to try new things and found this summer camp in Pennsylvania that seemed amazing. He shook his head, pushing the nervous thoughts to the back of his mind. He didn't even pay attention to the welcome that the counselors gave until he saw who he'd be bunking with. He quickly followed the directions to his bunk, and opened the door. His bunkmate didn't seem to have arrive, since both beds were bare and empty. Smiling slightly, he placed his stuff on a bed and went to grab lunch.
Roman didn't realized he was carrying too many bags until he stumbled off of the bus. He didn't know what he'd need for four weeks at a summer camp very far from home. Sighing, he pushed the bags higher, and went to get his bunk assignment. He was still surprised that this was his first time at a sleep away camp. Maybe his father had finally let him go so he could start preparing for his new job. Roman almost laughed to himself at all the reasons why he couldn't go. That was how he distracted himself from the heavy weight resting on his shoulders. That was until he arrived at his bunk. The bed on the right was taken, and the bunkmate had already headed to lunch. Roman threw his stuff on the bed and ran to the mess hall to meet this mysterious individual.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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