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"I've had it! I'm leaving!" Jimin shouted, throwing a pillow at the older who was wearing a pissed expression.

"Fine then! Leave!" Yoongi growled not taking his gaze off his phone.

"Ugh! You're so infuriating! For all the months we started to date I actually thought you changed but you haven't! When will you ever learn?"

Yoongi didn't reply and continued to fiddle with the device on his hand.

"You're always being rude to people, your parents, your friends and— Me! It's like you don't even care at all!" Jimin suddenly broke into tears and flopped down to the carpet, concealing his sobs behind his palms. "Was everything you said all just a joke to you?"

"No NO! Minnie," Yoongi bit his lips and ran to the younger, wrapping his arms around him letting his face pushed against his chest. "I'm sorry, I'm an asshole okay? But that doesn't mean I don't care about you. Of course I do, I love you so don't think otherwise."

"B-But why are you always so cold to me? Is it because I'm not Suran? Is it because I'm not better than her and you love her more than you could love me?" Jimin sniffed softly, looking up to meet with Yoongi's brown and sincere orbs.

"Don't ever think that! Suran, of course I loved her but she's gone now. The memories I had with her will always stay with me and the pain will slowly heal but you're here with me now. Don't compare yourself to Suran because you're you, and I love you because you're Park Jimin." Yoongi placed a peck on top of his forehead and caressed his cheeks. "You're a part of my present and my future and I'm not gonna let you go understand? We'll live happily ever after."

Jimin nodded his head with a small smile. "Yeah, but promise me something..."

"Whatever it is, I'll do it Minnie."

"Promise me you'll change for good. Stop being your beast self."

Yoongi paused for a moment before flashing him an assuring smile. He leaned down to give a peck on his soft lips. "I promise."

This is really the end, thank you again! And Merry Christmas 💜

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