Beast twelve

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The heavy footsteps descending the stairs sent goosebumps to Jimin's skin. Mrs. Min whimpered and hid behind his small body, "Oh my god, here we go! We're gonna die today."

If his mother was frightened by this, imagine what he was feeling! And the worst part was he didn't even know what he did wrong! Jimin could only bite his trembling lips to contain his fright, there was no way out of this. Oh wait, there's the door! He could just make a run for i— Oh shit too late!

Yoongi's raging face appeared in the living room, his calm and collected expression was no more. He seemed to be holding something on his right hand. Jimin gulped when the older male was only a step away from him. "Tell me, what was your phone doing beside my broken picture frame?!"

Huh... what was his phone really doing there? Oh, he must've placed it down when he picked up the frame. But it wasn't broken when he looked at it earlier, so this wasn't his fault! Jimin furrowed his eye brows and tried to snatch it away from his grasp which he only failed in result. "It doesn't matter how my phone got in there, it wasn't my fault."

"LIAR! Do you even know how valuable that picture is? It has more value than your life!"

"Uh Yoo—"

"You stay out of this Abby!" Yoongi pointed his hand at the woman behind Jimin. She quickly pursed her lips.

"Why are you being such an asshole about this? It's just the frame! Go buy a new one! You don't have to shout at her like that!" Jimin equally replied back furiously. This wasn't any of his fault and yet this guy had the balls to blame him for something he didn't do! And he just disrespected his mother like that!

"I could do whatever I want! This is really important to me, it's not just about the frame! You just broke it and you're not even gonna admit your fault! You have one job you worthless piece of shit and you can't even do it right! Get out of my sight, you disgust me!" Yoongi threw his cheap phone to the floor that immediately shattered once it hit the ground. Jimin could only watch his phone break into pieces as the male walk away.

A tear peeked from his eye sockets while gritting his teeth. He is a poor and helpless kid with no parents and no money... but he didn't have any right to mistreat him as a person. "Don't think that people are lower than you because they're much weaker just to feed your pride." Jimin spoke that made the latter stop on his tracks.

"What did you say?" He turned around, eyes going dark once again.

"You think you're much better than the rest of us, well maybe you are! But that doesn't mean you can could treat us like dirt that you step on so you would feel good about yourself. Then sure, go ahead! You can step on me whenever you want until you're satisfied with yourself! But don't drag your mother into this! Don't you know how hard it is living without a mother? Huh? You don't! Because here you are, having a grand life while some of us in the world are sacrificing just to eat an expired bread!"

"Jimin... it's fin—"

"No it's not fine! He needs to know how important you are! You're a nice person and he shouldn't disrespect you like that! You're his mother!"

Yoongi scoffed, "She's not my mother, she will never be."

Mrs. Min looked down to her feet. Jimin just now realized, she isn't her biological mother... so that's why he treats her differently. Jimin stomped on his foot, "So what?! She's still your mother! You have an amazing dad and a brother! You have a wonderful life and you're wasting it! I don't have anything left for me! My parents are gone! Do you know what will I give up just to hug my mom and dad for a second? You have a great step-mom, my aunt doesn't even like me! She doesn't want anything to do with me! And here you are being inconsiderate and a selfish jerk!"

Yoongi only stared at him with blank eyes.

"Maybe that's why the people you love are giving up on you... Maybe that's why they left you."

"Get out."

"You can't accept the fact that everyone you love is leaving you because of the way you are! But they already left you! So move on! You don't need to dwell on the pass and put your anger to the rest of us who doesn't deserve it! Think of it, is this what they actually wanted? Accept the reality and try to become better of yoursel—"

Jimin hit the cold floor when Yoongi punched him square in the face. He felt his cheek numbing as he stood up from the ground, wiping the tear from his face. Yoongi turned around with his fists clenched, "Get the fuck out!"

Without another word, Jimin ran out from the mansion again. He's never gonna come back again.


Ugh great. Now Jimin is totally alone. He could go to Jungkook's apartment... But that stupid beast broke his phone so he couldn't call any of his friends! And he doesn't want to appear out of no where and ask for a favor from them, he doesn't want to be a burden.

His stomach growled out of no where. He realized he haven't digested anything since that sandwich he ate this morning. He doesn't have anything with him. His wallet and his stuffs are back at the mansion, that beast didn't even give him time to pack his things before he leaves that place forever. He'll just probably come back for it by the morning but for now, he needs a place to stay at. It was already dark, it was seven in the evening.

He was sitting at a bench near the Min residence, he had no where else to go. He tried walking out of the neighborhood, but being in deep thought and always in daze, he always finds himself walking back to the mansion. He decided to settle in this bench until the sun rises if ever he survives the night. He tugged down his sweater to his hands and pulled his knees closer to his chest to shield himself from the cold. He wish he could've brought an extra jacket.

A few minutes later, he saw a group of men walking pass the sidewalk across him. They were laughing so loudly and talking in a slurred manner, they were all obviously drunk which didn't help Jimin's comfort in any way. When a guy turned his head to his direction and whispered something to the person beside him, he nervously gulped and stood up from the bench, starting to amble away.

The guys caught up to him and one pulled on his hand. Jimin whimpered, "Let me go, please..."

"You're looking a bit lonely here babe," One of them said. "Why don't we accompany you for the night?"

"N-No thanks!"

A guy went behind his back and planted a disgusting kiss on his neck that made him gawk mentally. He tugged on his hand back but seeming that his strength we're all drained out, he failed to do so. He finally snapped out when the one holding him lifted up his shirt and touched his chest. He screamed and lifted up his knee, using his remaining strength to knee the guy in the groin. "I SAID LET GO!"

It worked thankfully, he got the chance to sprint away from them. He was sure he could outrun them somehow but he didn't realize sooner that there was a fifth guy who was already blocking his direction, his only chance blew off. The guy caught him by the waist as he struggled to set free. The five of them laughed at how helpless and pathetic he looked like a predator catching it's prey.

He shed a tear thinking this was the end for him. When he was about to accept his fate and the reality, he saw a bright light nearing him slowly. "Let go of him bastards!"

I'm dying... Send help quick! *Yoongi appears from the dark* YES HELP ME MY PRINCE!

Yoongi: *runs pass my dying body* *rushes to Jimin's side* Jiminie, are you okay? Did they hurt you? Istg I'm gonna kick their balls til they die—

Jimin: I'm f-fine hyung *hugs him* *YG hugs back*

Oh shit, welp this is the end for me. BUT BITCH I'M GONNA DIE HAPPY MY SHIP IS SAILING BLESS MY SOUL!

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