Beast eight

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Jimin huffed trying to regain his breath after his series of frustrated shouting at the side of the Hangang river, watching the cars pass by the bridge and the bright lights of the city in the darkness of the night. He still couldn't get over his anger at the beast who spoke shit about him to his face, he did a pretty damn well job at shoving the cake to his face though. He wished he could've kneed his groin too but nonetheless he's proud of himself.

It's been hours since he left the Min residence and somewhat he felt bad for Mr. Min, he trusted him so much to help his beast of a son and he couldn't even do his one job right. He has done so much for him and what did he repay him? Slapping a slob of cake to his son's face which he definitely doesn't regret. He wasn't crying now so that was something to mention.

"ASSHOLE! DICKHEAD! YOU SON OF A BEAST! FUCK YOU BASTARD!" He managed to blurt out despite the soreness of his larynx and cracking of his voice. Someone who probably heard him must've thought he went through a rough break up or some shit, sadly that wasn't the case. "I WISH YOU TO DIE ALONE YOU HEARTLESS MONSTER! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU I'LL— Uh... I'll? I will—"

"Beat his ass senseless?"

"YEAH I WILL BEAT HIS ASS SENSELESS!" Jimin grinned in content and patted his own shoulder proudly. "Thanks for the handicap handsome stranger!"

"No worries." The male chuckled.


Jimin's smile faded and let out a loud gasp of horror. The pink haired stranger who was watching him frustratedly yell his guts out for who knows how long was actually Jeon Jungkook. He leaped back in reflex as the younger smiled at him. "J-Jungkook-ssi..."

"Hey Jimin hyung, it's nice to see you again."

"Uhm, have you— uh, have you been listening the whole time?" He anxiously asked the younger. Because if his answer was yes, he'd crumble down in total shame and hide inside his turtle shell until he dies.

"Don't worry, I just happened to be walking by." Jungkook chuckled softly like the angel he was. "I was about to come greet you when you started– being expressive."

"Oh uh, haha yeah... I guess you can say that." The smaller scratched the back of his neck wanting to run away from that had to be there moment. "So yeah, see you!"

"Wait hyung! Do you wanna grab some ice cream with me?"

Jimin was in daze. For starters, his crush just witnessed him yelling shit about someone. Second, this was THE Jeon Jungkook! The most popular guy to ever live in their area and side tangent, he just asked him out for ice cream. SOME DANG ICE CREAM! He never felt so excited to eat ice cream in his life! Of course he'll be frozen to the ground.

On one hand, he didn't want to be 'involved' with the boy because his fans will probably murder him and he didn't want any of that drama but...

"Ice cream sounds great."

...this was a great opportunity he shouldn't miss.


"So hyung, what got you in a nasty mood anyway?" Jungkook chowed down on his cookies and cream flavored ice cream and rested his chin at the back of his palm.

Jimin almost choked on his food when the younger asked. "Oh, it's nothing, really."

"It surely didn't sound nothing earlier..."

"It's just–" The older sighed and shoved the spoonful of ice cream inside his mouth. "Did you ever feel that you want to murder someone but the law is holding you back?"

"No, not entirely." Jungkook chuckled, finding the male's reaction very adorable. "You feel very frustrated about that someone to the point you even considered murdering them that's for sure."

"Frustrated in an understatement, trust me. This guy is the worst of the worst."

"What happened? Not that I want to invade your privacy or anything, I just wanna help you cheer up. Your cute face doesn't suit your frown hyung."

Jimin could only blush at the younger's straightforwardness, his crush just straight out complimented him! That's the best thing that ever happened to his twenty-three years of living! The best yet since he cross paths with that beast. Why is destiny punishing him like this? He just hates how the world is so ironically annoying.

"Thanks, and it's fine. They say the best way to recovery is voicing out your problems... I guess this situation is one way to put it." Jimin slightly giggled at his own statement. "I'm working for someone, like an assistant of some sort and I was doing chores all week for them just so I can have one day off. But today, he pulled my last straw and I completely got infuriated with him because he played me for a fool."

"So does this specific day have any significant value to you?"

"Yeah... it's the day my parents died actually. I just wanted to visit them at my hometown. Every year I traditionally go back to visit them and tell them about my life. I lived with my aunt here in Seoul ever since they passed away,"

Jungkook's face suddenly dropped and sat up straight out of reflex. "Oh, I'm sorry to here that."

"No it's fine! Don't feel sorry for me." Jimin smiles a bit at how his reaction escalated. "I just really hate that he didn't let me have that day off."

"Well if you're okay with it, I can take you there." Jimin's eyes quickly flickered when the younger spoke. He was wondering if he was kidding around but his face seemed to state otherwise.

"N-No I couldn't... I'd be wasting your time."

"No way, I'd be happy to help you out hyung! It's not a big deal! I can borrow my older brother's car so we can travel by tomorrow if you want." Jungkook sincerely smiled, wanting the older to know how much he was willing to help him out.

"Thank you Jungkook! Oh my god, you're such a blessing!" Jimin squealed, almost jumping up from his seat and tackle the younger with a big bear hug.

"What about your boss though, wouldn't he be angry if he finds out you're sneaking out of your work?"

"Screw that guy! I'll resign if I have to, family is more important than any money! And besides, he wouldn't even notice I'm gone 'cause he's a real asshole."

Jungkook nods his head as he chuckled at the way the smaller talked about his boss and ate another spoonful of that delicious ice cream. "Where do you live by the way?"

"Busan– oh which reminds me! It's a good thing we'll go by car because oh boy, I don't wanna go by train!" Jimin shuddered remembering the horrifying movie that was aired a few years back. "I know it seems unlikely but it still gives me the chills!"

"You're hilarious hyung!" Jungkook can't seem to stop laughing at this point.

"I'm being serious! I don't want no zombies eatin' my brain like raw meat!"

Jungkook held his aching stomach, tears welling up in his eyes out of joy. "Stop! Y-You're killing m-me!"

Princey is done and I can focus now on this book yaaay... (Took you long enough stupid author) Okay so this will prolly be shorter than my other books but that's because I just made this for fun which I don't regret. This book doesn't have anything serious going on just full of fluff and sweet yoonmin. So don't be mad if the book has major time skips and quick events. Thanks for supporting and continue to spread the weirdness~

Beast of me | YoonminOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant