Beast nineteen

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The moment Yoongi turned his head, he saw Namjoon with both of his hands thrown over to his head in panic. Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw the fire slowly gaining growth. "Fire!"

"What the fuck Namjoon!" Yoongi shouted and ran across the garden.

"I'm sorry! I was cleaning the pile of papers we used and suddenly tripped on one of the candles!" The younger frantically replied with visible worry on his face.

"Well don't just watch it! Kill the fire!" Nabi shouted.

"On it!" Jungkook appeared with a glass of water. What?! "Take this stupid fire!" And threw the water on the fire which obviously didn't work. "Well that didn't work!"

"We are putting out a fire! Not helping a goldfish out of the goddamn aquarium!" Yoongi frustratedly shouted as he watched the fire travel through the grass and into the picnic blanket. All of his hard work gone into a pile of ashes right before his very eyes...

"Well I can't see anyone coming up with brighter ideas!"

"Get the hose then!" Namjoon pointed at the backside of the house. Jin shook his head in disapproval. "That's not going to work! The old one was broken and we haven't had the time to buy a new one!"

"Are you all stupid? Step aside!" Nabi growled with her clipboard on hand and began to fan the fire. She screamed after seeing her plan didn't work and made the fire worse. "Eeek! That seemed like a great plan in my head!"

"Well that doesn't look like it at the moment does it?" Yoongi snapped at the girl who glared at him intently.

"If you stop being a jerk and start helping then maybe you wouldn't be so useless!"

"Guys what's going—"

All of them stared at the three male standing at the side with shocked expressions. Yoongi wanted to melt down and wish the ground would suck him up. This is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him. He bit his lip after seeing the mixture of confused and worried face of Jimin. Shit this wasn't going as planned at all!

"I've got this!" Jin suddenly appeared out of no where with a fire extinguisher and finally stopped the fire from spreading further. The fire was stopped and they were all relieved that no one got hurt... but their surprise was already fucked up.

"What happened here?!" Jimin asked looking at all of them for answers.

"Well what you're looking at is what used to be a surprise for you." Jungkook cleared his throat while scratching his neck.

"Yeah I see that, but why was it caught on fire? You guys could've seriously got hurt! That was dangerous!" Jimin protested and walked toward Yoongi who has been looking down the whole time. "Why are you putting a surprise for me anyway? It's not my birthday or something."

Yoongi took away Jimin's grip on his bicep and shook his head. "Never mind, it's nothing. I'm going out for a walk,"

"Uh, hell no! I ain't putting up with this shit! We've worked our asses off for the whole week preparing for this and we're not bailing now!" Nabi screeched like a banshee that gained Jimin's attention. "What are you talking about?"

"Yoongi likes you goddamnit!"

Jimin looked at Nabi flabbergasted and turned his gaze back at Yoongi. "W-What?"

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