Nightmares and Kidnapped;

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Tsukiko sniffled as she swung the blade at the dummy. She'd been fine one day then the next she's waking up covered in her own snot. The green haired woman grabbed the crate sitting next to her as another dizzy spell hit. It was another week until the log post set. Kid and Killer went into town to get something to help the female heal faster Kid said they can't leave without one of his top fighters not being a sick sack of shit.

"You alright?" She heard a voice behind her. She waved them off and they chuckled at her.

Tsukiko's hair on the back of her neck stood up when she felt someone's fingers trace down her spine. She spun around and saw no one. She fell on her but as she felt dizzy, her red eyes flickered around her. "HEAT!?" She called frantically to her friend. She heard frantic foot steps and saw the somber man frowning deeper at her As she sat on the floor after falling.

"You look pale." He commented as he picked her up effortlessly and carried her to the sick bay. "Killer should be back with medicine soon."

"I want to go to my room." Tsukiko groaned when he covered her up. He pushed her head on the pillow lightly, she grabbed his hand and turned over as the contents of her stomach cane back up.

Heat rubbed her back as she coughed, she pulled her hair into a messy bun on her head not caring about the puke in her hair. "I'll get you some tea." Heat said as he left the room.

Tsukiko sighed and held her hand to her forehead. She felt feverish. She was trying to recall if anyone was sick aboard. Tsukiko jumped when she heard a knock. "Come in." Tsukiko sighed as she sat up, her eyes narrowed when she heard footsteps retreating away from the door. The door opened as she put her feet on the cold wooden flooring. Her eyes looked up and was met with the face of her captain and first mate. "Did you knock?" She questioned rolling her eyes as Killer bent down and pulled her ankles up causing her to fall back into bed. A loud annoyed sigh came from her mouth when Killer covered her back up.

"No. It's my ship I don't have to." Kid growled at her.

Tsukiko groaned as she rolled her eyes. "No it was just that someone knocked and walked away then you guys came in."

Killer tilted his head as he pressed his calloused hand to her forehead and cheeks. Kid narrowed his eyes at him for a second before looking at her. "You have a fever. You might just be delirious." Killer told her as he handed her two pills, Heat walking in with a cup and a kettle both emitting steam.

"Drink some tea, take whatever he gave you and sleep." Kid demanded. He turned and walked out nodding at Heat

"Sleep is the best thing for you. Let's get you to your room." Heat said wrapping her in a blanket and carrying her to her room. Between the two minute walk, Tsukikos head fell against Heat as he opened her door she woke up coughing.

Killer who was trailing behind them with the tea made a sound as Heat put her in the bed and covered her with two more blankets. "That cough sounds bad." Killer spoke lowly to Heat as it looked like she'd fallen asleep again

"Why is she the only one this sick?" Killer questioned as they left the room. It wasn't like she explored the land and got sick. She stayed aboard the ship and came in contact with no one.

Wire walked down the stairs, causing both men to stop. "How is she?" He asked nodding to the door behind them.

"Getting worse so it seems." Heat said shaking his head.

The man frowned as he looked at the door. "I had two women on the ship maybe they did something?" Wire spoke to them, Killer shook his head.

"Doubtful. She said she hadn't eaten or drank anything." Killer said with a sigh. "Let's just hope tomorrow she's fine.." The blond man said with a sigh.

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