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Tsukiko sighed as she rolled over in bed yet again. She hadn't been able to get a full nights sleep in months. Ever since she almost died. It's haunted her. She truly thinks she is cursed. First she was sold into slavery. Raped and tortured. Becomes a murderer. Jordan rapes her. Then her mind is forced to relive her past. Then getting stabbed. She's not on a lucky streak.

Tsukiko glances outside. She figured it was too early to start on breakfast so she wrapped her blanket around herself and walked on the deck. She made it to the bow of the deck and watched the water go by.

"Kid, I honestly don't know how to thank you." Tsukiko said to her captain, the whiskey taking a quick affect.

"For what?" He snorted back at the green haired woman.

"For not thinking of me as a burden after everything." Tsukiko said as she stumbled into her captains arms. She placed her hands on his collar bones. "You're the best captain."

Kid stared at the woman, glancing at the crew who quickly glanced away from the scene. "You need to sleep. You're drunk." Kid said as he stabled her and set her on the deck.

The Green haired woman snapped out of it when she heard footsteps behind her, she glanced over her shoulder to see Kid. "Captain." She nodded her head.

"Heat said you haven't been sleeping well. Need to talk?" Kid awkwardly scratched his neck, avoiding her red eyes.

Tsukiko let out a small smile. "It'll pass, it's just being on the brink of death made me realize how fragile life really is."

Kid gazed at her for a few minutes. His eyes scanned to see if there were any ears listening. "I thought you were going to die. We all did. My heart stopped." He chuckled. "And I thought Killer was going to murder anyone in site."

Tsukiko giggled and looked at the tall man. "I'm sure if I would have all of you would have killed everyone on Sabaody."

Kid smirked. "We would have. You're like the glue that keeps us all together."

Tsukiko  let out a soft laugh. "I better get started on breakfast. You said we're reaching land soon last night."

"Yes, and let Killer cook this morning. Try and get some sleep." Kid said looking at her, his face hard but his eyes soft with care.

"I can't." Tsukiko sighed and looked away, she tightened the blanket around her. "All I see is death and grim."

Kid blinked and picked her up and carried her over his shoulder. Her shout whispering at him not to wake anyone up before the crack of dawn. Tsukiko frowned when Kid turned into his room instead of hers down the hall. "Since you can't sleep in your room. You can sleep here.. My bed is probably more comfortable than your piece of shit excuse for a mattress."

Tsukiko blinked as kid tossed her on the bed. Her eyes scanned the dark room. Metal pieces littered his desk and floors along with dirty clothing items, a few female ones from the last set of whores they brought on. "Kid-"

"It's new so it'll help right?" Kid said cutting her off. "That's what the doctor said. You need a new environment to sleep in or you won't be able to sleep at all."

"Doctor?" Tsukiko raises and eyebrow. As far as she knew Killer and Heat took care of injuries. Along with her and kid didn't call them 'doctor'.

"Last island. I went to a place and asked a doctor what to do. I'm-we are worried about you." Kid said narrowing his eyes when the small woman smirked at his slip up. He knew that smirk. It was when she was going to torment someone.

"Thank you." Tsukiko said getting on her knees on his plush bed and hugged him around the neck her face buried into the crook of his neck her grip tightened when he placed his arms around her. "Thank you so much Kid. People might think you're the heartless bastard-"

Sea of Blood {One Piece: Kid x OC}Where stories live. Discover now