Chapter 1: A true failure

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Due to the fall of the CDUs less then two years ago, people have begun to worship the angel Arfoire; The deity of sanctuary. The children played games they had never seen before diffrent types of games that looked cheaply made but gave an enriching experience. 

This is thanks to the Arfoire Protection Force or APF (pronounced app-eff) children have been given a chance to enjoy games without unnecessary DLC or loot crates. People were happy. Games were hard enough to enjoy but not difficult to learn. There was no need to pay for special advantages in games everything you need was there to begin with.

80 percent of all students are now allowed to play games with each other simple for enjoyment instead of going online never seeing the faces of those they played with, Those same students also worship the Angel Arfoire the government accepts this change and parents  now connect to there children though such games.

Gamindustri was now at Peace.

Two young women were searching the Gamindustri graveyard hoping to find some trace of the CDUs. 

"Nothing over here Iffy." A young woman said wearing a dark pink sweater. She ran towards the other girl who had Brunette hair with a dark green bow. "Still nothing. Dame things are not looking good."

The girl in the sweater is known as Compa. At a young age she was abused by her mother for several years until finally running away, to live with her grandfather. Her grandfather was a "doctor" and preformed many "surgeries" on people which inspired Compa to be just like him. She works as a nurse at Planeptune hospital and preforms "surgeries" on people during her free time. 

She wears a dark pink sweater and has peach coloured hair. She has a small a small black and pink bag with a C on it. Plus wheres a headband with the letter C on it. (Both custom made by her.)

The brunette girl is IF. A lone flame that intends to burn all of Gamindustri's citizens hopes and dreams. She is an assassin who takes up many jobs weather it be Intel gathering, hacking or even just murder. With the right amount of cash she will do any deed you wish to have fulfilled. (Nothing sexual though)

She wears black shirt and a blue long slaved coat that has a belt for some reason. (She got it on a mission one day and thought it looked cool.) She also has a dark red bow in her hair that she rarely takes off.

"Alright lets see... Histoire said that this was the last known location of the CDUs but recently..." IF took out her phone and on the screen was a line. "There were some strange frequencies coming from here." She put her finger on her chin puzzled. "But now it's not showing up?" IF was thinking for a bit as Compa looked at her.

"Maybe it was a mistake?" "I don't think so. The way sounded it was like someone was talking." IF knew she was missing something but what.

"I think we should head back." Compa said. "Good idea we will have to check again later." The two walked back to Planeptune. Little did the two know someone was fallowing them.

The two walked for a bit in silence. "Compa can I ask you something?" IF asked. "Yes?" "Well you talk about your grandfather all the time but I must ask. What about your other family members?" 

Compa stopped and so did IF. "Sorry if it was too personal. I was just curious." Compa looked at the floor remembering all of her childhood until she ran. "I-it's fine Iffy. Let's just go." Compa began to walk again and IF fallowed slightly behind.

The two walked for a bit longer until they heard a loud noise coming from IF's phone. "The radio!" IF took it out and looked at it. The frequency scanner was going crazy. "L-ZZzZzZZZZzzzZZZZzzz-Hi-ZZZzzzzZZZzzzzzZZZZZ-YOU!" "Where are you!" IF yelled. "Be-ZZZZzzzzZZZZz-YoU!" Compa looked around and noticed someone charging straight at IF at full speed. "Iffy!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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