"Ya. Ya. Wish I could say the same. You may be the best hunters out there, but you're also the worst. Opening gates to hell, making sure Angel's fall, letting purgatory open up."

Sam started to get mad.

"Hey, we stopped the apocalypse, and kept the world from ending multiple times! And by the way, it was an Angel that made the Angel's fall. Not us."

"Ya, and you're probably the ones that started the apocalypse."

"Ok, that's enough. We could have just let you waste your time here and not have told you, but instead we made sure you didn't. So your welcome!"

Sam said, as he ushered Dean out the door, and to the car. The door had slammed behind them.

Getting in the car, Dean started the car and drove away.

"They aren't very good at their job, if they don't know that there are more of them here. But they aren't looking for your typical vampires. The ones here are different."

"Ya. They suck." Dean said, as they began driving back to Jeremy and Bonnie's house.
"So, Dean. You said we may be taking a break. Why would you say that?"

"Well, after Elena has the baby, I'm gonna sit things out for a while. I guess I just figured you would too since I wouldn't be there."
Sam looked a little offended.
"Dean, I've hunted without you before. I think I can handle it."

Dean looked over to Sam from his driving quickly.

"Well, it won't be for a little bit. She's only a few months right now anyways. We can just discuss this at a later time."

"Dean, there's nothing to discuss. I'm not taking a break. I don't need to."

"Ok Sam." Dean decided to let it go. For now.

It was just barely lunch time, and Caroline was inviting everyone to the boarding house for a big meal. She had been learning how to cook, since she has so much time on her hands. She had filled the kitchen with all kinds of things to cook with from a homemade pasta maker, to a double stack stove, so she could have people over. She started volunteering at the high school, as the gym teacher. Mainly so she could be in charge of the cheerleaders and all the other events. Living out her glory days is what Bonnie keeps saying to her. But it makes her happy. She bakes cookies and muffins for the bake sale from some old family recipes that were left for her mother.

Elena was still at Bonnie and Jeremy's house, so she could show Sam and Dean how to get there.

"You could have just sent us the address, and we'd have met you there."

"No, it's best I don't get seen with them. No one can know I'm here. Remember? Besides... I missed you, and wanted to see you first. Before anyone else." She said, as she stood on her tippy toes, and wrapped her arms around his neck. He leaned down just a little so he could kiss her deeply.

"Guys, I'm still here."
Sam said, covering his eyes.

"Then, I guess we'll be right back!" Dean said as he whisked her away up stairs.

About an hour later, they came back down stairs all dressed and ready to go, and finding Sam on the couch playing Black Ops on Jeremy's XBOX one.

"I didn't know you knew how to play?" Dean said.
"Ya. I get bored sometimes. You know, I'm not always doing research."

Dean just hmmm 'd.

"Alright. Let's get the party going. Shall we?" Dean held out his hand to lead Elena to the garage where the Impala was parked, but Elena stopped them, and walked into the kitchen, and pulled down a few glasses. Filling them with scotch.

"I knew there was a reason I loved you."

Dean said, wrapping his arm around her waist and kissing her quickly on the lips.

"You better have more reasons than that, Mr. Winchester!"

"Oh I do. I have many more." And he pulled her close, and kissed her harder. Slowly turning their faces back to Sam as he looked even more uncomfortable than he did before.

"Ya. Ok, we better go before lunch turns into dinner. Caroline hates when people aren't on time."

"You're late!" Caroline yelled as she pointed her finger at Elena, as they walked in the door. Elena held up her hands in a mock-up surrender.

"I give up! Don't shoot!"
She said as she laughed.

Elena, Dean and Sam all sat down at the table as Caroline served everyone. Jeremy, Bonnie, Caroline, Stefan, Sam, Dean and Elena.

"Poor Sammy, always the third wheel."

Elena laughed.

"Hey, I'm perfectly fine being single. No drama."

Elena gave Sam a serious look. Complete with a single eyebrow lift.

"Ok fine, less drama. Better?"

"Ya. Cause I think I speak for everyone when I say there's no such thing, in our lives, as 'no drama'."

Everyone smiled, and ate their food.

After they ate, they all went to the family room. Stefan lit the fire, so the non vampires wouldn't get cold.

"So, Elena. For the main reason we asked you to come."

Elena held Dean's hand so tight. She was so curious what they wanted, but at the same time dreading it because she knew it had to do with Damon.

"As you know, we have Damon down in the cells."
Elena nodded, and Dean had an inquiring look on his face, as he suddenly felt Elena, unknowingly, digging her nails into his knuckles.

"You're the only one that could possibly help us here. We need you to talk to Damon. Try to turn his feelings back on."

Her mouth dropped.

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