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"Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by

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"Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting."

- Haruki Murakami

day 1 of 30

The world around Danica may have stopped and placed itself on rewind and repeat, but that didn't mean that she had. Waking up the next morning, she had completely forgotten about the events of the night before and was not aware that she would be living the same day for the next 30 days, on repeat.

Seeing the clock on her bedside displaying the time as being 9am, she began to panic and quickly rushed out of bed and into her bathroom. She was meant to be at her uni by 10am and the commute from her apartment to there was a nightmare. She had one of the quickest showers of her life and got ready in about the same time as well. Her original plan was to wake up early so she could actually make herself look presentable, but it seemed that she would have to cope with what she was currently looking like.

As she debated over her outfit in the mirror, she heard her phone go off and she couldn't help but groan. Making her way towards her bedside table, she was so sure that it was probably her family asking her where she was, but when she picked up her phone, she realised that she was wrong.

Instead, there on her screen, was a reminder that she definitely did not set for herself the night before. Unless of course she did without knowing, but with the way that it was worded, there was no way she could've done that at some unknown hour.

"Day 1 of 30 begins of your countdown to find your soulmate. Enjoy :)."

She was beyond confused by why that could've been there, because surely she would've remembered if her so called 'test' had started. Right? She rolled her eyes though at the fact that there was a smiley face at the end, because whoever was setting these reminders, clearly didn't know of her hatred for them. The message did leave her questioning though whether it was real or not.

When she was younger, she could remember her mother saying that people re-live the day when they got the sign, for 30 whole days. As she looked at the date on her phone, she thought that she was seeing things, because there was no way that it was still the 5th of November. It should've clearly said Monday, the 6th of November. Switching the phone off, she waited a minute before turning it back on to see that it still said the 5th of November. Great.

"Why? Why do you hate me, universe! Is it too much to ask for you to not do this to me the day before one of the biggest days of my life?" She yelled out to no one in particular. Her neighbours, whether they were awake, out or whatnot, were possibly wondering what the hell she was doing, but she had bigger problems to worry about rather than social embarrassment.

She knew that she was supposed to meet with her friends at 11am for lunch, where they would then head off to do some shopping, before going back to someone's house to throw a small party. Although, she couldn't be bothered participating in any of that right now. All she wanted to do was lay in bed and curse the universe out for doing this to her. She already knew how the whole day played out anyway. The food at lunch was terrible, someone would almost come close to landing themselves in debt and by the end of the night, someone would be drunk off their ass with a terrible hangover to wake up to the next morning.

Certainly by missing one day of going out to stay inside wouldn't cause her that much harm. It's not like she didn't have 30 more days to repeat the whole process. Changing out of her outfit and throwing a pair of shorts and a loose top on, she jumped back into her bed, discarding the covers to the floor as it was November and Australia was already starting to heat up. Picking up her phone, she rolled her eyes at the reminder once again, before opening her phone up, deciding to call one of her brothers about this, because there was no way she was calling her mum just yet.

Quickly telling her friends that she couldn't make it for today, she debated over which sibling to call. She had a younger sister, but she would be of no help at all considering she was 19 and was still yet to go through the process, so she was out. She then thought about her eldest twin brother, Adrian, who hadn't gone through the process just yet either, but who knew, considering he liked to keep to himself and she hadn't seen him for sometime. She then was left with the other twin, Kaiden, who failed his 'test'. She wasn't left with a lot of options, so she was left to call Kaiden. Much to her luck though, it went straight to voicemail, no matter how many times she called. It was 10am, surely he'd be up.

The next 2 hours were spent with Danica just laying on her bed on her phone, scrolling through social media and watching pointless videos, waiting for her brother to call back or do something. Although, there was no answer and she was left to think for herself.

Her stomach growled, reminding her of the fact that she hadn't eaten today and she was forced to actually stop waiting around. Heading into her kitchen, she started to search through the cupboards and fridge, only to find them practically empty, except for a loaf of bread, some butter and a jug of water. Deciding that a piece of toast was better than nothing, she pulled out a piece of bread and placed it in the toaster.

The whole time that she was eating, she decided that the best thing to do was to start thinking about how she was going to find her soulmate within 30 days. She didn't want to end up in the same situation as Kaiden, so she had to actually try to find her soulmate. Hopefully her soulmate was just as willing to find her as she was to find them.

Within the next 8 hours, she had gone through about 10 different plans to find her soulmate, one being that she could post about it online and get others to help her. That idea was thrown out the window though because no one would help her with that and it was a bit of stretch. Plus, she wanted to complete this whole process by herself. She wanted to find her soulmate and say that she found them with no help. The thing was though, she didn't know how it would work. She had no idea how she'd find them and let alone, if she would ever find them.

It wasn't until she was back in her bed and about to go to sleep, that she finally realised how she could probably find them. Maybe, all she'd have to do was to do something different everyday. Change up her daily activities and cross off all the places where she didn't find them. Surely that would work. If she went to enough places, she'd be able to nail it down to a few and hopefully find them. She felt herself start to smile, as she started to open up to the idea of this whole soulmate thing. It surely wasn't going to be easy, she knew that, but she was willing to try.

"1 day down, 29 more to go."


well, there's the first chapter and it's not what I originally wanted it to be, but I was thinking of keeping it short. So, each chapter will be based around one day each, so they possibly won't be all that long. 1000 words minimum and about 2000 words max.

- jess

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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