- prologue

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Danica Blaese first heard the term 'soulmates' when she was 8 years old, in the living room of her family home. Her parents had sat her twin brothers down, who were 15 at the time, to explain to them how 'beautiful' it is to find your soulmate; the one who the universe has matched you with since before one was born.

At the time, it all seemed like a fairytale to her. To hear the stories of how one would be notified the night before the world around them stopped for a whole month. Only for one to spend a whole month, waking up on the same day, doing the same things, only to try and find their soulmate.

Danica knew that it was too good to be true, but she of course wouldn't find out the full truth until she was 15 herself, when one of her brothers failed to find his. Her brother was only 22 years old when his whole world stopped and he was forced to find his so called soulmate. By the end of the month and when time returned to normal, he was faced with the harsh truth; he had failed and he would have to live the rest of his life without ever knowing who his soulmate was.

This installed panic within her, despite the fact that within 2 years of failing, her brother married a woman who had also failed her 'test'. She just couldn't understand how people could fall in love with others, if the universe had soulmates planned for them. She didn't want to fall in love with others when somewhere out there, someone was waiting for her to find them. She was determined to find her soulmate and pass what people called the 'test', because she didn't want to face the consequences.

She spent the next 8 years of her life waiting for that sign of when her time would start. Her mother reassured her that the sign would come when the time was right, but she was already 23 and others around her had already found theirs. She didn't want to be 30 years old and only just getting the sign.

What her parents hadn't told her though, was that the sign would come when one least expected it. In Danica's case, it came the night before she was supposed to graduate from uni. She had just gotten back from a day out with her friends and she was prepared to graduate and finally do something with her life. She was getting ready to finally go to sleep, when her phone went off with the tone that she had set for her reminders. The thing was, she had never set a reminder for the day, so it was a surprise to see one sitting there on her screen. It was even more surprising to see that she was finally getting her sign, especially on the night before one of the biggest days of her life.

"You have a whole month to find the one that the universe has matched you with. If you don't find them within 30 days, you must face the consequences. Your 30 days begin now. Good luck."

She now had to spend the next 30 days re-living the day before her graduation, just to find her soulmate. The universe officially sucked.


So, that's the prologue.

I tried to make it interesting and I'm so sorry if it was completely crap. I've never written a soulmate au or anything like that, so this is all new to me.

I hope you liked this and stay tuned for the first chapter.

- jess

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