Brooklyn smiled at the deceiving innocence of the child, "well hey Henry," she greeted with a small snicker, "the name's Brooklyn, I'm a saviour."

"You don't seem like you should be a saviour," he said, glancing at the rest of the group, "you seem too, I don't know, friendly."

Leaning against the gate of the fence, Brooklyn tipped her head and huffed, "don't believe everything you see, you hardly know me kid," she heard him sigh, "look I'm sorry about your brother, but killing one of us ain't gonna bring him back."

Henry growled and raised the gun, "yeah. But it will make me feel a lot better."

Their conversation was unexpectedly interrupted by a deafening shriek, causing all of the saviours, including Gregory, to wake up. Brooklyn suspected it to have come from the Barrington house due to the fact that numerous lights were being flicked on at each window.

Jared chuckled, nudging one of the others, "music to my ears, am I right?"

In disgust, Brooklyn rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to the boy, "kid you need to get outta here, it's not safe!"

Being the terrified weakling that he was, Gregory immediately scuttled to the edge of the fence and began to plead for Henry to let him go. Brooklyn scoffed, knowing that the young boy wasn't as stupid as he thought.

"I want to know who killed my brother!" He took out a tiny key from his pocket, dangling it before the prisoners' eyes like a piece of treasure. Henry proceeded to unlock the gate, entering the pen and herding the saviours away to the back with his gun, "you have ten seconds or I start killing you all one by one!"

In instinct, they all hovered there arms above their heads, glancing cluelessly at one another. Brooklyn chewed on her lip and moved closer to the boy, understanding the pain he must have felt for loosing a sibling. "Henry, I know how you feel- as I lost my little sister," she weakly smiled, remembering the words that Negan had not long ago told her after she woke up from a nightmare, "but you've just gotta let that shit go. As horrible as it sounds, nothing you do, is gonna bring back your brother. So just, just put the gun down, yeah?"

Nothing she said was clearly going to change the boy's mind. He shook his head and aimed the gun towards them all, "ten, nine-"

Yet, before he could do anything, panic let loose as a roamer had somehow got in to the pen. It groaned as it viciously ripped open a man's skull, the contents of his brain oozing out in to a heap of lumpy flesh amongst the grass. Brooklyn ducked down, watching the saviours scurry around in pandemonium.

It seemed like a chance to escape, but a pang of guilt hit Brooklyn's chest when she noticed Henry aimlessly holding his gun. Jared, being the selfish man that he was, saw the opportunity and shoved the boy to the floor, stealing his weapon as he did so. "C'mon guys! Let's get outta here!"

Most of the saviours cheered and fled from the pen- Gregory included. Not one of them checked to see if Henry was okay as he lay painfully in the dirt. Brooklyn contemplated her actions, was she going to be heartless and leave the young kid alone and go back to the sanctuary to see if the love of her life was there? Or was she going to get him safely back inside with his people and risk her own chances of loosing her freedom? She took one last look at the boy, softening her gaze at his startled expression.

God damnit...

"Hey Henry!" She quickly hurried over to where he was, and bent down to check if he was okay, "I know you don't trust me but I'm kinda sacrificing my own ass to save yours. So, if I do that, will you trust me so that I can help you?"

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