Haruka: Not easy that's for sure. You'll have to work your way up before you can inherit this quirk. True Amazon can only be obtain if your body is fit and doesn't have alot of fat otherwise the excess power could burn your muscles leaving you paralyzed.

Shirou: Sounds like I might die in this....

Jin: Don't be such a wuss, Chihiro here is going to be doing the same. You both are going to be trained by us.

Chihiro turned to look at Shirou knowing how it must be hard for a first timer.

Chihiro: Don't worry, it's alright. I've been in your position too. *Pats Shirou on the back*

Shirou: Thanks dude, I'll try my best.

Chihiro: That's the spirit!

Jin's Mind: He's exactly like you,

||Timeskip to half of the day before going home ||

Shirou: *Pant* *Pant* Are you okay..*Pant* Chihiro-san...?

Chihiro: *Pant* No.. but could be *Cough* Worse...*Pant* *Pant*

Haruka: Good job both of you! You both passed the Endurance Training and Defense Training but there's still one more you both haven't done yet!

Shirou: *Pant* And what's that..? *Cough*

Jin: Combat Training. The last time we did that was just interrupted because of a Pro Hero. This time there won't be any mercy.

Chihiro: *Pant* So who's going to fight?..*Pant*

Haruka: Me and Jin are going to be fighting against both you and Shirou so we're going to make it fair by adding heavy weights onto our arms.

Jin: You both should be lucky. We're even giving you both a chance.

Shirou: Like being given a chance is going to help with two experts....

Haruka: Now get out your Amazon Drivers and we'll start...

All four of them took out their Amazon Drivers and place it on their waist as they look at each other. Jin and Haruka wore their heavy weights as place it on their hands.

Haruka: Y'know, just because our arms are feeling heavy right now doesn't mean we'll be holding back.

Chihiro: The same goes for us, just because you guys are in a disadvantage doesn't mean we're showing mercy either.

Jin: Finally starting to act like your old man, huh?

Shirou: It's times like this is when I can just let off some steam.

Haruka: Same goes for all of us, kid.

As the 4 has nothing else to say, they only blurted out the one thing they all know.

As the 4 has nothing else to say, they only blurted out the one thing they all know

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