Chapter 13

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Note: I don't own the Teen Titans

Raven heard the laughter coming from the infirmary. Throughout the night she'd been wide awake, unable to sleep. Her thoughts kept her awake, the haunting feeling of murder still fresh in her mind.

What was wrong with her?

"Make it go away," Raven muttered, tossing and turning in her bed.

The image kept repeating.

The Raven, throwing Slade's corpse around. The lights flickering with each thump his body made.

Thud, thud, thud.

"Please," she whispered.

"Admit it Beasty," Cyborg teased. "I won, seven to three, fair and square."

Beast Boy pouted while Starfire giggled.

"You were probably using cheats," Beast Boy replied, crossing his arms.

"Or maybe you're just a bad player," Robin said, raiding his eyebrow.

Beast Boy glared at him.

"See, Robin takes my side!" Cyborg laughed.

Just then the doorbell rang.

"Who's that?" Cyborg asked.

"Are... we expecting anyone?" Beast Boy questioned, looking out passed the door.

"I do not believe so," Starfire answered, flying out of the room.

Beast Boy and Robin ran after her while Cyborg stayed in bed, starting to tinker around with his tools again.

"Who could be out at this hour?" Robin mumbled to himself.

The boys caught up to the girl, hesitating to open the door. Robin put a hand on her shoulder.

"Ready," he said, stepping back.

She nodded in return and slowly opened the door. A cardboard box laid on the ground, a little broken and damaged from god knows what.

"Don't take it," Robin ordered. "I'll get a mask, I'll get something, and throw it out."

"Maybe check it first?"

Starfire and Robin turned to Beast Boy, who started to sink into his uniform.

"I mean, if you're gonna have a mask and everything, might as well see what it is!"

Robin rolled his eyes and shrugged, dashing back into the halls to get his supplies.

Starfire closed the door and let out a breath she didn't know she held.

"We must get some sleep," Starfire said. "You must be tired."

"I... you go ahead Star," Beast Boy replied. "I'm gonna stay out here for awhile, you know, keep watch and stuff."

"Are you sure? What if-"

"Star, I'm fine! I'm basically a kung fu master," he said, striking a pose.

She giggled in response.

"If that is what you wish. Goodnight," she said, flying back to her room.

Beast Boy watched her disappear behind the corner of the wall, making sure she was completely out before dropping his face.

He wasn't sure what to think of the whole thing. He didn't really want to. Everything that's happened, everything that's taken place. Half of him wants to just sit and sort things out. But the other half doesn't want to think about it. About the past, about the what if's, about what could happen.

Sometimes he just wants to distract himself from everything else, so he could get away. To just turn into an eagle and fly away.

Robin came back with a gas mask on, along with heavy duty gloves. Beast Boy did a dramatic bow and allowed Robin to pass by. He rolled his eyes.

"Where's Star?" Robin asked.

"She went to go get some shut eye," Beast Boy replied. "Even aliens need sleep."

Robin cracked a smile.

"Are we ready to open this thing?" He questioned.

"I'll stand at a distance," Beast Boy said, backing away. "Okay, I'm ready."

Robin slowly opened the box.

Beast Boy closed his eyes in fear of some sort of bomb. Some kind of attack. But when he opened his eyes, he only saw Robin frozen with fear.

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