Chapter 12

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Note: I do not own the Teen Titans

"Nothing," Starfire said.

A man in the shadows sat on his chair, staring at his computer screen.

"Their friendship is rather... amusing," a person said from behind.

"Yes... amusing," the man in the chair chuckled. "The Teen Titans have an unbreakable bond. Or so it seems."

Another shadow opened the door, letting the light in.

"What did you find Slade?" The man in the chair asked.

"They believe I'm dead," he replied, grasping his half broken mask. "I took this while they were mourning."

He threw a light blue flash drive at the computer, landing on the table.

The man smiled.

"Excellent," he said. "The Teen Titans will soon be history."

* * *

Cyborg looked out the window to see the starry night sky, taking a break from repairing himself. Soon enough he'll be able to walk again, and he could get the rest of his tools in the room to fully repair himself.

"It'll be a long process, but I'll be rebuilt again," he said to himself.

He heard a knock at the door and turn to see,

"Yo! Hey BB!" He exclaimed.

Beast Boy immediately grinned, his fang starting to stick out.

"Cyborg! What's up?" He replied. "How've you been?"

Cyborg looked down at his legs, attempting to bend both. Only one bent.

"Uh, it's going," he answered.

Cyborg looked down at Beast Boy's hands and saw two video game controllers.

"Beast Boy," Cyborg sighed.

"Look, I know you need to rebuild yourself and everything, and maybe it isn't the best time, but," Beast Boy tried to say.

"I gotta do this BB," Cyborg interrupted. "What if there's another crime? What if there's another attack? I can't risk that."

Beast Boy sighed.

"Yeah, I know," he said. "Im sorry, just... I need a break, you know?"

Cyborg forced a smile.

"I know how you feel."

"Do you think maybe, I can play in front of you?" Beast Boy asked. "At least then I wouldn't feel that, you know, lonely?"

"Sure, It'll keep me entertained to see you lose at every game," Cyborg laughed.

Beast Boy smiled.

"Wanna bet?"

Immediately he jumped on the chair next to Cyborg's bed and started playing a racing game on the big screen up front. At first Cyborg continued to work on his legs, trying to concentrate on rebuilding it precisely. But as time passed on he stopped and started cheering on Beast Boy, trying to make sure he was doing things right.

"No no, not there!" Cyborg yelled. "Keep on going! Why'd you stop? Don't you know the shortcut?"

"Gimme a break Cy!" Beast Boy shouted, turning the way the car was going.

"That's it," Cyborg exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air. "Give me a controller. Let me show you how it's done."

Beast Boy grinned and took out an extra controller, tossing it at Cyborg. He caught it with one hand and started racing against Beast Boy.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Beast Boy screamed, trying to catch up with Cyborg's car.

"YOU CAN'T BEAT ME, YOU CAN'T BEAT ME!" Cyborg laughed, passing the 2nd lap.

Robin and Starfire rushed in, believing something was wrong.

"What's going on?" Robin started.

Starfire looked over and giggled, laughing at the two moving wherever their race car went.

The two watched Cyborg and Beast Boy play, both of them even playing one or twice. The whole night was the four of them screaming at each other, "Go the other way!" or "You can do it!" or, "When's my turn?"

In the end, all four laughed and enjoyed themselves. And after all that happened, every single one of them were happy for this night.

Everyone but Raven.

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