Chapter 3

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Note: I do not own the Teen Titans

"Beast Boy?" Starfire called, afraid to go near the gaping hole in their living room.

Cyborg turned on the light installed on his shoulder and looked down the hole. Nothing.

"Beast Boy?" Raven yelled. "If you're trying to scare us, knock it off, it isn't funny!"

"He's gone," Cyborg gasped.

"Oh, we are terrible friends!" Starfire cried, finally walking towards the hole.

Suddenly the alarm went off. Cyborg rushed to the computer, searching for where the alarm got set off.

"Not now," Raven mumbled.

"What is going on?" Starfire shouted.

"Trouble," Cyborg said, looking through the computer.

"But where?" Starfire asked.

Cyborg looked back at the rest of the Titans.

"Wayne Enterprise."

* * *

"One at a time, Robin," a deep voice echoed in his head. "They will be torn apart. From the inside. And out."

His mind was racing as he started to put on his new attire.

How was he going to stop him? What if he hurts his friends? What does he have to do to save them?

"By doing this," he muttered to himself.

Something rang.

He turned to see his communicator lighting up.

He had to ignore it. One answer and they'll be destroyed. One touch and they'll all be tortured to death. And it was only a button away.

"Excellent work my dear apprentice," a voice chuckled.

Robin kept quiet.

"Apprentice?!" Someone yelled.

That voice sounded familiar. Robin heard a thud and a groan following after.

"Who is that?" Robin demanded. He looked over at Slade, standing next to something cover with a blanket.

"Well let's see Robin," Slade chuckled, pulling off the blanket.

There sat Beast Boy tied up to a chair with the same collar attached to his neck. He sat in a cage, pointed directly towards Robin. Beast Boy's jaw dropped.

"No way," he gasped.

Robin's eyes widened.

"Beast Boy!" He shouted.

"Yes," Slade said menacingly. "Such a happy reunion, isn't it?"

"Get out of here!" Robin exclaimed, still talking to Beast Boy.

"What are you doing in Slade's uniform?" Beast Boy questioned. "Why are you-"

Slade raised his arm, his other hand waving over a button.

"Don't!" Robin yelled, turning to Slade.

"Robin, why are you working for him? I thought you were our friend! Why did you leave us for him?"

"Go to the Wayne Enterprise," Slade ordered. "You know what I want from there."

Robin hung his head down, his fear of Slade getting ahold of the rest of his friends growing more and more. Immediately he started planning on how to set Beast Boy free. That collar had something to do with it. But... if Beast Boy, one of the strongest members on his team, could get captured this easily... what could Slade do to the rest of his friends?

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