Chapter 8

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Note: I do not own the Teen Titans

Raven and Beast Boy left the room with many robotic bodies lying on the ground. Raven shut the door using her powers, leaving the mess in only that room.

"So," Beast Boy said.

Raven turned to him and raised an eyebrow. There was a pause, either one of them speaking. Their eyes met and connected, pleading to not let go. He admired her face, how her hair brushed against her shoulders and her light face showing innocence yet scars of her childhood. She never usually had her hood down around him.

Raven turn her head back and started walking forward, Beast Boy following right behind.

"We need to get to Slade," Raven explained. "He's done something to us that's keeping Robin from coming back."

Beast Boy ran in front of her.

"Okay, are you just going to ignore what just happened?" He exclaimed. "What's up with you? I don't understand you at all, I-"

He was interrupted by Raven with a kiss, a light peck as she backed away quickly and put her hood on.

"Woah," Beast Boy gasped.

"I-" Raven started to say, putting her hand on her lips. A box behind them flew up and burst a hole through the roof, Raven's black magic traveling behind it.

Beast Boy smiled, showing his fang.

Raven shook it off and continued to walk.

"We need to find Slade," she repeated.

"I think I know where he is," Beast Boy responded, not daring to look at her again. "When that guy brought me here I saw a glimpse of it, follow me."

He led her to a room filled with computer screens, four large ones still on. One said Cyborg, one said Beast Boy, one said Starfire and the last one Raven. All four showed their names and their red blood cells flowing through them, except,

"Why are there robot thingys on all of the blood cells?" Beast Boy exclaimed.

"Those... are our blood cells!" Raven gasped.

"Those things... are INSIDE ME?" Beast Boy screamed.

Raven slammed her hand on his mouth.

"Are you trying to get someone to catch us?"

"On the contrary," a voice said from the doorway. "I've already caught you."

Raven and Beast Boy turned around, ready to face their enemy. Slade raised his arm and hovered over a button.

"Tell me," Slade said. "Has anyone ever noticed how much pain you're in?"

Him and Raven stared at each other, Raven trying not to let him get to her. He pressed a button and Raven started glowing bright orange. She grunted, falling to the ground and bending over.

"Raven!" Beast Boy shouted. He turned to Slade. "What are you doing?"

"Showing you her pain," he responded. "Or, do you not know your teammate?"

Beast Boy froze.

"Don't.. don't listen to him Beast Boy!" Raven shouted.

"You always know nothing, don't you?" Slade teased. "You were always the dumb one of the group."

"I may not be smart to know everything," Beast Boy growled. "But I'm dumb enough to try EVERYTHING."

Beast Boy quickly turned into a rhino and ran at full speed towards Slade, which sent him tumbling down the hall. As Beast Boy turned back, Slade got up and started aiming his blaster at him. As he shot, Raven stood in from of Beast Boy with her force field.

"Go!" Raven ordered.

Beast Boy ran out of the way turned into a falcon, flying through the air. Suddenly Cyborg punched Slade from behind, almost knocking him out.

The rest let down their guard.

"Is everyone okay?" Cyborg checked.

"Where were you?" Raven asked.

"Just got a little distracted," he replied, pointing at a circular machine on the ground. "We need to go."

"Not so fast," Slade said, slamming something against Cyborg's head.

"Beast Boy, you need to get that thing on his arm," Raven said. "Those controls, if he presses on of the buttons, any one of us can collapse.

Beast Boy nodded and turned into a falcon again. He first got Cyborg to a safer place while Raven defended him.

"Go!" Raven said while she was deflecting Slade's attacks.

Beast Boy flew down and grabbed the controller, getting it far out of Slade's reach. He threw it down and turned back to normal, crushing the controller with his feet.

His machine broke down, Slade's eyes widening as it tore into pieces.

"No!" He yelled, getting out of Raven's grasp.

He turned back to face the three of them.

"Next time Titans," he chuckled, hopping to the top corner of the room. "Next time."

He burst through the roof and disappeared.

"What is he?" Beast started to question.

"Don't worry about that right now," Cyborg replied. "We need to get to Robin and Starfire immediately."

* * *

Robin and Starfire were still battling, their arms getting tired. Their attacks still clashed in the middle, building up force and pressure.

"Robin, I do not want to hurt you!" Starfire exclaimed, her left arm growing weak.

"I'm sorry Starfire," Robin said, voice cracking.

Starfire's heart broke into pieces. She suddenly felt someone push her aside, making her lose her concentration. Her cloaked friend took her place, a force field standing in front of her. The sudden impact on Raven was ungodly powerful, she could barely keep still.

Robin saw Raven and immediately stopped firing.

Starfire's body grew weak, and she floated down to the floor, laying there.

"Starfire!" Robin gasped, running towards her. Cyborg stopped him.

"You need to explain what's going on," Cyborg demanded.

"Slade, he has a weapon!" Robin panicked. "You don't know what he did to-"

"We know," Beast Boy said, Raven floating down next to him.

"We just need to find a way to get it out of our bodies," Raven explained.

"But where's-" Robin tried asking.

"He's gone. Disappeared," Cyborg said.

"But we destroyed his controls," Beast Boy commented.

Robin relaxed a bit.

"We don't know if he's going to build another machine," Raven said.

"We need to try and get these robotic machine thingys-" Beast Boy started.

"Out of our system," Starfire finished.

Robin took one look at all four of his teammates, tired, determined, and brave.

The five Titans, all finally reunited, ran out of the room to find a way to return everything to normal

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