Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Wow," I said in awe. "You've been in this industry for quite awhile, I tend to forget that."

"Yeah," he sighed, as he put the record aside. "I was barely ten years old when I was asked to be the lead singer of the Jackson 5. I didn't regret anything though, I—I'm happy to be who I am. I just wished I had a normal childhood, you know?"

"I read that in your book. How you wished, as a kid, to be able to go out and play with the other kids from your neighborhood," I said, and he nodded his head.

"You started reading it, huh?" he smiled shyly, looking into my eyes.

"I did, I'm halfway through the book," I let him know, mirroring his shy expression. "Time flies by so fast when I'm reading it. It's like I can hear your voice in my head saying every word. It's... soothing."

"I'm glad you like it. You're gonna have to write a book about yourself so that we can be even, now," he joked, and I giggled at his remark. "You're gonna know me way better than I know you, it's not fair!"

"Tell me what you want to know about me," I told him, sitting crossed-leg in front of him. I took my cup of tea, just as Michael, and took a sip of it.

"Tell me about your childhood," he asked, as he put his back against the side of the couch. I didn't realize that he had taken off his penny loafers before going on the carpet, which I found incredibly thoughtful. He crossed his extended legs, and focused on me. "How was it?"

"It was filled with love," I told him, as memories from my childhood came into my mind. "I was an only child. Sadly, it wasn't a choice my parents made. My mother had some issues with her ovaries, and she had been told that she would never be able to give birth. But as you can see, miracles happen since she got me. My parents wanted to try to give me a brother or a sister, but they never succeeded," I explained. "But even though I was alone, my childhood was filled with joy. I never lacked anything, they always encouraged me to surpass me in everything I did, to follow my dreams and never give up, no matter what."

"They seemed to be wonderful parents," Michael remarked. "What about your friends? Did you have many?"

"Umm, not really. Elementary school was quite tough for me, so I didn't have much friends at that time. You know how kids can be harsh on each other," I shrugged, as I played with my fingers. "As an only child, I was used to being alone, and kids from my school called me a weirdo because I didn't want to be with them."

"It's so easy to label someone as a weirdo. Just because you stand out from the crowd doesn't mean you're a weirdo. I'm sure you were a great kid," he reassured me with a sincere smile, and I smiled internally at his words. "Did it change when you got in middle and high school?"

"It did. That's when I met Alice," I smiled at the memories that came flooding my mind. "She was the person I needed. She taught me how to tell people to fuck off." Michael's eyes widened at my use of words, and I immediately put my hand over my mouth, "Sorry," I mumbled, as I felt my cheeks heat up.

"I didn't know you had that in you," he giggled hiding himself behind his hand as well. "It's okay, don't worry. I don't like curse words, but if you do, I don't mind, really. Everybody has the right to express themselves the way they want to."

"I'm used not to use any curse words when I'm working, since I am surrounded by children, but I tend to let them slip out of my mouth when I'm not at work," I explained, chuckling nervously.

"It's okay. Just tell me more about your friend Alice," he showed me his perfect teeth. "She is the nurse who came by Charlie's room to get my autograph, right?"

"That'd be her," I laughed, at the memory of her awkward self. "She's the type of person that could make your day brighter just by being there. She's always teasing you, joking with you. She's always able to put a smile on my face, no matter how low I feel. And she is trustful. I trust her with my darkest secrets. She knows everything about me, about my life," I explained. "And she admires you a lot. She used to dress as a Thriller zombie for Halloween when your video clip came out," I let him know, laughing, as I remember Alice in her costume. "Prince and you really got her all shaken up back in the days."

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