No Candle No Light.

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Let's all thank God for this amazing featuring of two legends.


I woke up in the middle of the night several times wanting to pee like every seconds so in the morning, when the sun finally rose up I was exhausted.

"You look tired love." Harry said when he came back in the bedroom after being done with his morning routine.

"Haven't slept a lot." I mumbled trying to get some sleep.

"Look at my little grumpy dollie." He cooed.

"Get back to sleep angel." He whispered, kissing my forehead, his hot soft lips on my skin immediately making my eyes close.

"I need to drop by work real quick but I'll be back in a few yeah?" He asked, brushing my hair away from my eyes. I nodded pouting my lips to get a kiss. He chuckled, kissing my lips and saying goodbye before he left.

Harry is a businessman. The head of his departement. He took care of all the financial shit. Really smart man. My man.

While waiting for him I just scrolled away on my phone, not looking at anything particular. I just wanted to stay awake until he came back. As promised, he came back an hour later.

"I had to look over some numbers." He yawned, holding a folder up. "They wanted me to stay longer but I said I'll just finish it home." He smiled softly, dimples showing. He got back into sweatpants, slipping under the covers and cuddling me. In the blink of the eye, we were back into slumber.

I woke up first this time, taking an nice refreshing shower. When I got out of the bathroom, Harry was sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing his eyes with his fists. I smiled, biting my lip. I loved seeing him do that, he looked very much like a sleepy bear. The cutest. I glanced at the clock on the wall. Eleven O'clock. I must have not slept that long. I smiled, I won't feel like I waisted away my whole day. I will probably clean around and work a bit. I will return to work in 3days so I better get back in the bath.

Today was a really chill day until the power went off. Right in the middle of Harry and I binge watching Harry Potter. I yelled out in frustration. Why would this happen. Especially now. What the hell. The last time I experienced this was when I was 11 in my old house in Bradford. I felt tears start to build up in my eyes and I sniffled to keep the snot from running down my nose. Harry quickly turned to face me, getting closer.

"What's wrong baby?!"

"I-I why would they cut Harry! He doesn't deserve this!" I whisper shouted as my lips wobbled. Harry smiles fondly, taking my hands in his.

"I know angel, I know. It isn't fair for Harry. C'mon let's get you some fresh air yeah?"

"Why." I spat. "I don't need it." I added, folding my arms. Harry sighed.

"Zaynie you heard the doctor. You need constant fresh air and water to stay hydrated!"
He said sternly, making my tears return.

"S-sorry...I'm a bad baba, aren't I?" I said fat tears rolling down my heated cheeks.

"C'mon now Zee. You're a really good baba. You're just a bit tired it's okay yeah? You wanna take a nap?" He asked whipping away my tears.

"Yeah wanna take a nap... " I hiccuped, still crying. Harry carried me to our bedroom and laid me down on the bed as our dogs gathered around me, licking my face, causing giggles out of my mouth.

"C'mon Myko, Avey, leave daddy alone, he needs to nap." Harry said softly pushing them off of the bed and laying behind me.

"I'm not Daddy you are." I corrected with a small smile.

"What am I going to do with you?" He sighed, shaking his head.

"Nighty nap baby boy. I love you." He added , kissing my sweet spot. I moaned, my hormones jumping to the roof. I was fucking horny.

"Not tired!" I exclaimed, straddling him. "I wanna play." He rose his eyebrows.

"And right after Zaynie will have a good nap yeah?" I nodded eagerly. "Alright. What game do you want to play doll?"

"I want daddy to make me feel good." He smirked, grasping my bum cheeks in his large hands.

"How about a nice little blowjob for my good boy?" Whispered Harry, pressing harder on my cheeks, kissing my neck again.

"Yes Daddy!" I squealed, my semi getting harder with each breath I took. He sucked on the sensitive skin on my neck, creating a hickey making me moan. "Please daddy..." I whined.

He chuckled, going down on me and teasing my precum leaking cock. I huffed, tears of frustration building in my eyes. "Daddy!" I whined once again. This time he obliged, taking my length in his mouth.

My mouth hung wide open as I gripped the sheets. He started bobbing his head up and down quickly, playing with my balls at the same time. Few minutes later I could feel the muscles in my stomach tighten. "G-gonna cum!"

"C'mon cum for Daddy baby boy." He said getting my cock back in his mouth, few seconds after I was cumming down his throat. He swallowed, kissing me afterwards, making me taste myself.

"Alright now time to nap." He said sternly. I frowned looking at his groin.

"What about you Haz?" He looked towards his lower region aswell and shuddered.

"It's okay don't worry about it. Let's just get to sleep, Daddy's exhausted." I nodded, and, once again, we were asleep within seconds.

"Zaynie wake up you need to eat." I stirred, slowly waking up. "Hi baby boy." He whispered as my eyes squinted open, meeting his green orbs.

"Hi daddy!" I giggled as he kissed the tip of my nose.

"Look at what Daddy cooked for you doll." He smiled brightly, turning around to pick something up. When he turned back around, he was holding a tray with some rice and chicken. I squealed, immediately sitting up.

"Thank you Daddy!" He gave me the fork and I wasted no time to go ahead and eat. Harry was a great cook. He literally could do anything, my perfect man, and soon to be father of our baby. I had no doubt he would become a great father too.

"I hope that our little angel loves food as much as you. My two little babies." He cooed, raising my -his- shirt to caress my tummy. I smile down at his hand and looked back up, puckering my lips to get a kiss.

"Hey! That was mine Daddy!" I groaned as he took the food that was in my mouth when I granted him access after he licked over my bottom lip.

"Sharing is caring doll." He said after swallowing, shooting me a bright smile. I glared at him but continued eating.

Who did I think I was to write such short chapters?? Like they are 1.000words that's rude😭

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