Honey Eyes - Malvie/Mevie

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This is super short but I wanted to do a Malvie thing XD.

"So what do we know about this new girl?" Carlos asks, genuinely intrigued by the fact someone was joining so late in the school year. Not many pupils populate the school as most kids on the Isle would rather deal with people from Auradon than go to the collapsing building at the edge of the island.

"How would I know?" Mal mutters, her eyes boiling a prominent green as her frustration rises. Jay and Carlos share looks, both equally as confused.

"He was just asking Mal." Jay tries to regain the purple haired girl's attention, but to no avail. "But uh...I'm pretty sure she's The Evil Queen's daughter. Eva? Eve? I don't really know."

Mal tunes the boys out, giving her attention to the crowd blocking off a far corner - blatantly intimidating a blue haired girl. Normally she wouldn't bat an eyelid - or join in if feeling particularly menacing - but something was luring her to the group. A muffled voice in the back of her head was persistently whispering, help. But why would Mal help? Everyone on the Isle knows not to mess with her, so why would she show weakness by helping? That's not what a villain should do.

However, Mal's actions contradict her thoughts as she struts hastily to the crowd, a knew found determination with each step. As she draws closer she can see the blue haired victim fully. Her scared, cloudy chocolate eyes. Her fair skin being complimented by plump red lips, shining under the faulty flickering lights above. Her style is incredible - royal blue and rose red being the evident theme. Mal can't help but stare.

That is until brown orbs meet emerald green, full of worry and desperation. A surge erupts in Mal's stomach, as if a fire was alight inside of her. Her brows furrow together, eyes glowing with power as she comes in contact with the mini horde of students. "Oh, you're in trouble now Blueberry, this lass 'ere doesn't play nice." Harry Hook chuckles maniacally, swaying his sharpened hook as he swirls around the pale girl. "What're ya gonna do this time? I still recommend havin' her walk the plank. It's been polished." His cheeky smirk stays plastered on his face, dimples on show as he makes the crowd split to allow Mal access to 'Blueberry.'

"Unfortunately Harry what I'm about to do isn't appropriate for the eyes of others." Mal feigns her smirk, nodding to Harry in an attempt to persuade him. "Let me show her just how we work here." Mal sends a playful wink to the blue jacketed girl, even though she knew herself nothing was going to happen to her. That same timid voice inside her mind was whispering yet again - protecting the vulnerable girl. Mal doesn't want to hurt her, and it confuses her thoroughly.

"Ha ha, looks like you're in for a ride, Princess." Harry slowly drags his hook down her cheek, fortunately managing not to cut her in the process. "Have fun." His laugh fills the hallway as he saunters his way down, his boisterous group of misfits stalking behind him.

Mal surreptitiously sends Carlos and Jay a look before leading the intimidated girl swiftly out the back door of the building. Mal's heart screams inside her chest, begging to be set free as her head begins to pound. She keeps a dominant grip on the wrist of the princess behind her, ensuring she can't slip away without notice.

Mal wasn't entirely sure what she was doing or where she was going, but something was drawing her towards the cave like shelter at the edge of the island. Before she continues however, she turns to her 'victim.' "Name?" Venom coats her voices, though unintentional.

"Evie." Evie replies with clear confidence, something Mal wasn't expecting from the girl.  Mal drags her further until hidden out of sight beneath the rocks. "Why are we here?"

"Because Harry," Mal spits with disgust. "Thinks I'm currently beating you up or whatever." Evie's eyes widen, but only slightly.

"Why aren't you?" She questions, fully aware of the type of people who live on the Isle. Mal remains silent, giving Evie her answer. "You don't want to, do you?"

"Stop talking before I make you." Mal barks weakly as thoughts circle her mind continuously. Why aren't you? Why are you helping her? To Mal's delight, Evie complies, shifting her gaze to the sea before them. The waves were violently crashing, barely missing them with each thunderous thrust. Mal steals a glance Evie's way, taking in each and every detail she can of the girl. She's visibly taller and slightly tanner than herself. A curvature body is hugged complimentary by her tight clothing, highlighting how well-endowed she is. Mal subconsciously lingers on her chest before looking up to mesmerising brown eyes, completely unaware of the fact that Evie was indeed watching her survey her body. The quirk of Evie's brow snaps Mal out of her entrancement.

"Having fun there?" Evie quirks with a chuckle. Mal growls lowly, not daring to reply and let the bluenette win. "So, how long do we have to stay here?"

"Long enough." Mal spits, refusing to look Evie's way.

"Greaaat...looks like my first day is already going down hill." Evie stretches her legs out more comfortably, leaning on her hands behind her. "Can I at least get your name? Y'know, and thank you personally for not beating me up." Mal scowls at Evie, rolling her eyes impatiently before signing.

"Mal." Evie nods to herself, a proud smirk forming.

"Knew it." Mal snaps her way, a quizzical look on her features.

"How so?"

"Oh come on, super tall Scottish pirate with a hook sucking up to an adorable petite girl like yourself?" Evie's devilish smirk stays plastered on her face, only growing wider once Mal clenches her jaw. "You had to be Mal."

"You might want to quit while your ahead." Mal manoeuvres herself dangerously close to the princess, a threatening posture apparent. "I can always change my mind." Evie's composure never falters, instead she expertly tucks a strand of Mal's hair behind her ear, her honey eyes glistening against the sun as she purrs softly into her ear.

"You wouldn't touch me, would you?" A sultry grin forms as Mal's cheeks rush with heat, her ears burning in frustrated pleasure.

"I think that's long enough." She states breathily, hastily making her way back to school...and away from the honey eyed girl.

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