Non-Verbal - Wednesday x Enid

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*Headcanonning Enid & Wed as Autistic!!*

Summary (3rd Person POV):

Enid unexpectedly feels the overwhelming urge not to speak so Wednesday and Thing help to relieve her.


Oh no. Oh god no not now! Enid scolds herself internally as she sits on her bed, fists lightly thumping the sides of her head. Of all the times to be difficult I just had to pick today?!

Saturday, the day Yoko and Enid had been impatiently waiting for all week! The ultimate girls night to top all girls nights. The plan was to convene in Yoko's dorm with Divina and Bianca after lunch and sleepover for the night. Enid wants nothing more than to just stay in solitude.

It's eleven am. Enid's been awake since seven - thanks to her macabre roommate's meticulous schedule. In a little under two hours she's supposed to be the life of the party! Yet she can barely even mutter a response to Thing's worrisome tapping.

'Why are you crying, Enid?' The hand had asked, scurrying its way onto the blonde's bed.

Enid tries to respond, begging her words to take form. Alas, she's left looking like a fish, mouth opening and closing fruitlessly. This only has the girl grow more frustrated, taking out the anger on the pillow tucked between her legs and chest.

'Enid?' Thing presses, resting lightly on her thigh. Enid lets out an involutary growl, prompting Thing to recoil.

Her tears flow freely now as guilt seeps into her veins. Apologise, apologise! She begs, stomach churning under the pressure.

'I am going to get Wednesday.' Thing announces, and without the ability to deter such an act, Enid finds herself alone. She can't help but sigh with relief. A brief moment of silence.

As quick as the disembodied hand left, it returns with the darkest shadow in tow. How on earth did he find Wednesday so quickly?

"Enid? Thing says you are acting weirder than usual." Wednesday announces as she shuts the dorm door. "From his clear anxiety I assume this is not good weird."

Wednesday stops just short of Enid's bed, anchoring herself in front of the balled up wolf. "What is the issue?" She asks. Enid just looks up at her helplessly. "You're crying."

'I think she knows that!' Thing sasses from the background, keeping his distance.

Enid desperately tries to answer her friend's queries, practically forcing the words out of her throat. "I can't." Her voice is so hoarse for having been the first words she's spoken today.

"Can't what, Enid?" Wednesday has to bite back a sigh of impatience.

Enid whimpers, falling backward so her gaze reaches the ceiling, away from the intensity that always follows the Addams girl. "Thing, get Yoko."

"No!" Enid barks, sitting right back up. So stiff and straight you'd think there were a rod in her back.

"No? Has Yoko done something? I'll drain all her blood bags and we can watch her starve together." Wednesday's already on the move as she heads to her side of the room. Enid leaps up and takes her by the wrist. "Enid let g-" Wednesday falters, any complaints that were brewing now dead on her tongue. "Ok."

Enid's head tilts to the side as Wednesday leads them both to her bed. "Sit." She demands, to which Enid eagerly obeys. "You are struggling to form words, yes?" Enid nods, fresh tears threatening to spill. "I have never seen you this way, it is quite unsettling...and not the good kind." Enid giggles at that, allowing a blanket of calm to wash over Wednesday. Good, Enid is not all gone.

"Sleepover today, I can't go." Enid's chin begins to wobble and Wednesday instantly wants to punch the ever living daylights out of the area. How dare Enid's own body betray her by showing such weakness! It's lucky only Wednesday and Thing are present to see it, otherwise Enid would be sporting a hideous bruise soon.

"Okay, why?"

"So tired, too much talking."


Enid winces, curling back into the ball she resembled before. Oh? What does that mean? Does Wednesday think I'm stupid? Am I upsetting her somehow? Great job, me! Ugh! Enid's mind has reached unfathomable levels of criticism today, a never ending conveyer belt of self-ridicule.

"I think I understand." Wednesday looks to Thing, who is already disappearing back out to the hall. Apparently it too had found the final puzzle piece. Wednesday looks back at Enid, reaching a tentative hand out to hold hers. "I have times like this too, quite often. We will stay in, we need not talk. I will do whatever you wish for me to. Thing is currently informing your insuferable friends of your ailment. All responsibilities are now forgotten, understood?"

Enid can't believe her ears. How had Wednesday understood her with such little words being shared? Actually, who cares how! Enid's happy enough to hand over the reigns to the personification of doom and gloom if it means she doesn’t have to speak again. She nods.

Needless to say, neither girl spoke another word all day. Communicating seamlessly through gestures and soft, understanding looks.


Short little thing that is possibly a vent on my part? Idk, I'm just feeling an odd somewhat overwhelming urge to not talk atm and while this has happened many times before, it was normally only through online interactions. Now, however, I don't even feel right speaking aloud. Silly 'tism brain go brr.

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