Will Anyone Love Me? - Wednesday x Enid

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Wenclair brainrot fr fr


Enid couldn't sit still. Her left leg is bouncing like a child on a trampoline and she can't even think of how to stop it. The anxiety tightening her chest is unbearable. Like a Boa Constrictor had trapped her lungs in its grasp.

Her breaths are shallow, sharp. No matter how much she inhales it's never enough. Her lungs feel empty yet full at the same time.

"Ugh, c'mon Enid. Pull yourself together!" She reprimands herself, desperate to be calm before a certain roommate returns.

Enid was having a perfectly normal and relaxing night until she began overthinking every little thing under the sun - or moon in this case. It started with the classwork she'd handed in today, then escalated to thoughts of...that night. Flashes of the Hyde flooded her mind and soon enough she was curled up on the floor, knees against her chest and eyes overflowing.

Now, she can't stop thinking of the scars spoiling her face. The plentiful hidden ones beneath her clothing. The ones that have already healed and faded, yet she can still see them as clear as day.
The worst part is that she can feel them too. A scorching blaze as if she'd only been struck mere moments ago. It's seering her skin and it won't stop.

"Enid?" Wednesday's voice catches the girl off guard, making her leap to her feet. Attempting to hide her pain from Wednesday was futile. She knew her far too well by now. "What's wrong?"

"I don't- I-" Enid tries her best to speak but instead crumbles back to the floor in a bumbling mess. Wednesday's with her in seconds, like she'd teleported to her side somehow. "Make it stop, Wednesday. Please."

Wednesday's stomach boils with rage at hearing Enid in so much pain. Pain that Tyler caused her. Pain that she too had a hand inflicting. "Are you hurt, Enid?" She asks.

Enid whimpers and nods curtly, hands twitching to take Wednesday's arm for herself. "All over. Why?" She begs the raven girl for answers, unable to handle the ache.

"I cannot confirm exactly the cause of your harm right now, but I do have a theory," Wednesday pauses for just a second to let Enid hold her arm, "You're hurting where your body was lacerated, correct?"

"Mmhmm." Enid burries her head against Wednesday's arm.

"You may have healed exceptionally fast due to your Lycan abilities, but this body is still that of a human. The human body remembers things, this is why a scar long healed may ache from time to time. Especially if you're thinking of the former wound. I also fear your lycanthropy may be heightening things further." Wednesday allows her free hand to very gingerly sit atop of Enid's head, scared to cause her more disturbance. "I find this phenomenon rather enjoyable. It reminds me of battles I've won, people I've beated...but I am aware that such pain is not for everyone."

"Can you make it stop?" Enid pleads, gripping Wednesday's arm tighter. Under any other circumstances Wednesday would have pried her arm away from the werewolf's deathly grip. Right now, however, the thought doesn't dare cross her mind.

"No, I cannot. It will pass." Wednesday finds Enid's eyes. They're glossy, lower lids puffy and her cheeks soaked with colour liner. "I will stay until it does."

"Thank you." Enid whispers, far too drained to speak any louder.

Wednesday is, of course, true to her word. She stays by Enid's side for another thirty minutes, until the blonde slowly begins untangling herself. Wednesday can feel her blood rushing down her arm seconds after Enid let's go. It seems she'd unknowingly cut off blood flow to her, but Wednesday doesn't mind. In fact, she quite enjoys the sensation of her own body fighting and stumbling to keep her limb alive.

"Has it passed?" Wednesday asks after Enid strangely doesn't speak first.

"Yes. For the most part." She replies sheepishly, embarrassed by her vulnerability. Normally Enid wouldn't care how she appears to Wednesday, but her self-esteem has been royally shattered since the addition of the marks on her body. "Thank you, again."

"There is no need to thank me." Wednesday says as she rises from the floor. "I am...happy to help you."

Enid smiles at this, clear sign of her bubbly self returning. "'Cause I'm the best roomie ever?"

"Do not push it."

Enid clambers off the floor herself, following after Wednesday. She doesn't want to leave her side yet. It doesn't feel safe.

"Why are you following me." Wednesday glares. Enid simply smiles down at her. If her cheeks were any high up Wednesday swears they'd eat her eyes whole.

"Can you- we um,"

"Spit it out, Enid."

"I don't want to be alone just yet." Enid finally says, head dipping under Wednesday's cold eyes. "I don't want to go back there again."

Wednesday takes a moment to understand where 'there' is, but once she does she softens. "Okay, but no rom-coms."

"Eee, thank you Weds!!"


They did indeed watch a rom-com. Wednesday complained throughout.

"Do you think someone will like me someday?" Enid suddenly asks, piqueing Wednesday interest greatly. "And I don't mean have a crush, 'cause they aren't the same. I mean really like me for me."

"Why are you asking me this?" Wednesday replies, taken aback by the question.

"I value your opinion, Wednesday." Enid has the hint of a smile on her face as she says, "And you're always brutally honest with me."

"That is very true." Wednesday considers her for a moment, noticing the fear mixed with hope on Enid's expression. "Yes, I do believe someone will like you and later come to love you. I don't understand why this was ever a doubt in your mind."

"I dunno, I'm a bit much at times and since this scar people have purposely avoided looking at me."

"You are a lot sometimes." Wednesday agrees, gaining a scowl from Enid. "That is you, though. If someone doesn't appreciate you for you then they are unworthy of your time. As for those who refuse to look your way, they are foolishly missing out."

Enid stiffens as Wednesday's hand ghosts over her cheek, tracing her scars in the air just inches away from touching her. Wednesday's head tilts slightly as she adds, "You were beautiful before, that's undeniable, but you are even more beautiful now. You wear a trophy of victory on your face for all to see. It is a show of how you saved my life, and a reminder to all how brave you are." Wednesday pauses, contemplating her words carefully. "I owe you my life, Enid. That is not something to be taken lightly. Your scars remind me ever day how lucky I am to have you in my life."

"Weds..." Enid whispers, leaning her head into Wednesday's still lingering hand. She expects her to recoil from the touch, but she remains. Now holding her cheek with the care you would have with a newborn.

"You are a lot of things, Enid, but you are never too much." Wednesday soothes, allowing Enid to engulf her in a warm embrace.

"You already have so many hearts."

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