I just looked at him in shocked. He looked fine.

"They found out through the results yesterday and then today we confirmed it. It's not big, but it's rare they said." He said.

I heard some footsteps approaching us.


I was thirsty and went into the kitchen to get water. I heard Brendon crying and I stopped. I didn't want him to notice them I'm eavesdropping on Sarah and Brendon's conversation.

All I heard was Cancer. I stood there in shock and had nothing to do.

I ran over to Brendon and hugged him crying into his arm.

"Hey, sweetie. I'm guessing you heard" he said.

I nodded.

"Anyways, I was saying that it is a rare form of cancer and it hasn't been identified yet, but it can be removed through surgery."

"In a few months I would get it removed. So I might be a bit grouchy, and weak for awhile." He said. Me and Sarah nodded we just wanted to help.

We cried some more. Sarah decided to heat up leftovers for Dinner.

Brendon was weak as he said he would be. I helped him get to the couch and let him sit comfortably. We just wanted Brendon to be safe and comfortable.

We sat next to him comforting him. He was still crying, I mean I would too.

We brought over dinner and ate it. After that me and Sarah put away the stuff. Brendon attempted to get up, but me and Sarah pushed him down knowing how stubborn he is.

"If I don't get to do anything, then you guys shouldn't either." He said pouting.

"Well, too bad it's doctors order for you to rest." Sarah said.

He sat there pouting. I got up and ran to shower. I came back and saw Brendon struggling to walk up the stairs.

I ran down and helped Brendon walk into a guest room so that he doesn't need to climb the stairs.

I placed him on the bed and brought over his charger and etc.

I tucked him in and he gave a kiss on the forehead.

"Do you mind sleeping with me?" He asked.

I didn't hesitate to answer, but I ran to grab my stuff and jumped in bed with him.

He scooped me in and cuddled me and sang to me, until we both fell asleep.



I woke up, in bed confused as hell. Then I remembered that I have cancer and I'm weak as hell. So Emmy put me downstairs in a guest room.

I woke up hearing clinking in the kitchen. I think Sarah and Emmy is already cooking. I didn't want to bother them and walked to the bathroom downstairs and took a shower and got ready. After that I trotted up the stairs as fast as I can and put on my clothes.

Then I walk down to help Emmy and Sarah cook. The guest were arriving in a few hours. I decided to clean the house up and bit and straighten up the guest room I was in.

It was now 2pm and guests had arrived.

My friends; Linda, Spencer, Dallon, Breezy and their kids, Zack and Kala and many more people came over.

Best Day of My Life (Adoption Story)Where stories live. Discover now