chapter 12 : S.P.A.C.E ACADEMY here we come..........

Começar do início

fab5 entered the Audi to see it tightly packed......all were talking to each other sharing how excited they were.......what surprised fab5 was that even the lecturers and teachers were also eagerly waiting for their arrival........fab5 were growing impatient to see them.......soon FLAMES entered putting an end to their wait...........they stood on the stage.........

fab5 couldn't see their faces as their back was facing them

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fab5 couldn't see their faces as their back was facing them............soon they heard the sound of guitar strumming.......they could see a girl with her back facing them strumming the guitar.......another girl was on the keyboard......two boys were on drums and acoustic guitar respectively.........and a girl was playing electric guitar.........the moment they heard the guitar strumming everyone fell silent.........

the girl soon turned around and the spotlight fell on all five of them earning loud cheers from the audience who were going crazy seeing their rock stars after a long break......

fab5 were shocked to see the people on the stage especially manik who had no words to utter after seeing the girl in the middle who was none other his newly wedded wife NANDINI MANIK MALHOTRA.........

fab5 were shocked to see the people on the stage especially manik who had no words to utter after seeing the girl in the middle who was none other his newly wedded wife NANDINI MANIK MALHOTRA

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                              ( nandini's attire )

                                            ( navya's attire )

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                                            ( navya's attire )

soon nandini started singing making every one to go crazy on her voice and carefree attitude and taking fab5 by surprise............


so how was the update guys😉......?

how many of you like nandini's new avatar😎........?

looks like there is more to nandini than she shows right😁........

how were FLAMES🙈.........?

any idea who can be the remaining three members........?

don't worry i will give FLAMES character sketch soon........

how many of you are excited😋......?

thank you for reading........

do vote....comment and follow🙏.......

with love.....


MANAN : MR.MALHOTRA'S CONTRACT WIFE  ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora