Chapter 04: Old Rival and Old Friend

Start from the beginning

Out of a sudden, Miko Yamato reached out a hand to forcibly grasp the upper arm of Ai, unable to come to terms with the fact that Ai Shizuka blatantly ignored and slighted her. She fumed furiously in her mind but outwardly, she displayed a hurt expression.

However, Ai, who had seen the same tricks over and over, was tired of playing along with the drama and hence, she resolutely shook her arms to break free.

Seeing how Ai reacted, the corners of Miko's lips lifted and her eyes flashed. She immediately staged an exaggerated fall to grab everyone attention as she fell "helplessly" to the ground.

Ai Shizuka raised a fine eyebrow, staring down at Miko who sat on the ground pitifully with her ready-made tears. She was even nursing her "injured" ankle as she looked back at Ai with eyes that were full of grievances and sadness.

Ai Shizuka wanted to clap her hands to applaud such a performance. Not bad, this drama was quite exciting. As expected, due to Miko's top-notch display, the melon-eating crowd that was watching the drama, started to whisper to each other and pointed their fingers at Ai Shizuka, evidently in disapproval of her "unruly and unkind" behaviours.

Miko Yamato lowered her head and smiled inwardly. She had been hearing the news of Ai Shizuka being a well-bred and peerless beauty and it was gnawing on her mind. She didn't like the thought that such an ill-mannered person like Ai Shizuka stood above her and had a more well-known fame than her. The most peerless beauty should be herself and it should be only her! So she had set out to destroy Ai Shizuka's reputation and it was her good fortune that she ran into her today!

Suddenly, Miko heard a masculine voice addressed her, "Miss, are you alright? Is she bothering you?"

Miko's inner smile widened. Another victim had fallen to her tactics. She slowly lifted her head with a false sad expression and was about to reply when she noticed something odd.

The back of the newcomer was facing her and the previous question that Miko thought to be directed at her was in fact addressing Ai Shizuka.

What the f***?! I'm the "victim" here! Miko raged internally as she glared hatefully at the blonde hair of the newcomer.

While on the other side, Ai was shocked to see a familiar face. She remembered the striking blonde-haired man with the mixed-race features. He used to be employed under Jin as his personal guard and on some occasions, he had even guarded her.

Finally recalling his name, Ai exclaimed happily, "Kit! Long time no see!", completely forgetting that she was not supposed to know him at all.

Kit Koyozoki immediately felt nervous upon hearing her exclamation. He had understood that perhaps the young miss would know his existence from the previous life but exclaiming out in the open like this... It was almost asking for tongues to start wagging...

"Ah... You know me?", Kit asked, feigning ignorance as he tried to save the day.

At his question, the young miss's eyes finally grew wide in shock as understanding dawned on her. She seemed to have just realised her slip-up and Kit mentally slapped himself. This miss was way too careless and didn’t even know how to act. It was no wonder that the purple-haired woman was able to manipulate and cause a scene.

"Ah... Oh... I heard about your.. erm... achievements and I'm your biggest fan!", Ai Shizuka belatedly stuttered.

At this point, Kit truly felt like stabbing himself to escape this torture and he mentally slapped himself so hard it probably left a bruise. A mental bruise.

The young miss could have come up with a better excuse such as a childhood friend or something yet she stated achievements. Kit's whole existence was known to very few and it was highly embedded in secrecy. There was no way his praises would be sung by masses and strangers.

"Ah I see… shall we go have tea to celebrate this moment then?", Kit asked reluctantly, his mind was desperate to get out of this awkward situation as soon as possible and the sooner is the better for his sanity. Why the hell did he even get involved in the first place?! Usually, he would just watch in the shadows and at the sideline, unnoticed and unperturbed.

Ai was about to nod in agreement when a shrill voice screeched, "My ankle is swollen! Someone help me!"

For a moment, Ai had forgotten Miko upon meeting Kit and throughout their interactions, Miko had remained on the ground, still trying to play the victim. It seemed that her patience had finally run out for her to screech in that manner.

Ai turned towards Kit to see if he would help her, yet Kit simply walked towards the shopkeeper, passing him some money to buy the Phoenix hairpin that Ai was looking at and also some extra money to escort Miko away. His exact words were, "Could you kindly move this beggar? She is causing nuisances. Here's some money for your service.".

Ai held back her laughter. For a man like Kit, he hated pretence and schemes the most since his family background was scarred badly by such actions.

Miko fumed in shock. "How dare you! You half-blood freak! I will find you and make you wish you were never born!", Miko Yamato raged internally as she stood up immediately by herself, forgetting her act.

Right now, every eye turned disgusted at her deception and Miko blushed deeply in embarrassment for being exposed. She turned her hateful eyes towards Ai and Kit as she dashed off indignantly.

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