Do you regret us?

115 6 2

3rd person's pov

Clay rolled over onto his side from the lack of being able to get some sleep, he looked at the clock and it was only 2:29 in the morning. He wiped a thin trail of sweat from his brow. It was a warm evening in the kingdom, but it wasn't  the only reason he was sweating. He carefully rolled out of bed trying not to wake up his other half up, he walked out of his door and went to the main window in the Fortex, he got on his knees and opened the window a bit to let in all the cool breeze from the outside to the inside.

Clay rest his elbows on the window sill as he looked out to the kingdom has kept safe but it was still the same kingdom he almost lost when his best friend Jestro was used by Monstrox to try and take over the kingdom. Clay allowed another sigh to escaped his lips, feeling how his exhaustion weighed down on him and left him struggling to keep his eyes open. Unfortunately, his mind had yet to calm and thoughts still raced alone, keeping him from the welcome bliss of sleep.

Clay kept looking out of the window only to jump a little when he felt a hand on his shoulder, pulling him from his thoughts. Clay turned his head slightly to acknowledge his presence. Magmar's concern radiated threw his body, Clay could see it in their eyes, so he tried to soothe him by gently cupping his face in his hands. Magmar leaned forward, pressing their heads together gently before moving away again to sit down beside him.

"You should be asleep Clay, you know what Merlock said." Magmar's voice rumbled, "we don't want you to pass out during training again." Magmar moved closer to him, Clay allowed him to caress him as Magmar's hand rolled across Clay's tense shoulders. "I know, i know," was all Clay said in response, he turned his head away from the window. Clay lad his head down on Magmar's shoulder.

Magmar hummed softly to the feeling of his love against him, Magmar started to shift around till Clay was in between his legs and his head was against his chest. "You are worried about something," Magmar stated, with a small frown. "Please tell me what's on your mind, remember there are no secrets between us." Clay reached up as his fingers started to brush against the hard lava spots, he took a moment to gather his thoughts. "Almost everything," Clay finally admitted, "what happened with Jestro and the book. I know that all the lava monsters have been giving peace, and you all are working with us. But i just know that we'll never have a normal life."

Magmar saw tears forming in his eyes, "whatever is going to happen now, we may have to face alone and.....admittedly, that's pretty scary. Look at us, a knight and a monster in love? Not everyone will be happy about that." Magmar stayed quite as he listen closely to Clay's small rant.

"Clay what are trying to say?" Magmar asked, Clay looked up at him with tears coming down his eyes. "Do you regret us? Do you regret being with me?" Magmar had never heard Clay speak like this, he sounded so insecure about their love and anxious what others are gonna say, it felt like it was killing him. Clay refused to make eye contact with him, looking everywhere except at Magmar as his curled in on himself.

Magamr reached down pulling Clay close to his face, lifting his head up as he brush his lips against Clay's forehead. "Never love," Magmar cooed, smiling fondly as he feels Clay's relief flooding through his mind. "You are mine and i am yours, we should never listen to what others say. As long as we love each other, we can get threw "You are mine and I am yours, you've said it yourself," he added, gently rubbing the side of their face, "No matter what happens next we'll get through it, together."

Magmar stare down at Clay as he began to purr as Clay leaned into Magmar's touch, "yeah, together."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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