Chapter 56 - Ryan

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My breath caught in my throat. "Goldy!?" I exclaimed, spinning around. A girl stood on the doorway, with dark brown hair and golden eyes. She was wearing a white shirt and jeans, but otherwise she looked exactly like Goldy. "Huh? Who's that?" The girl asked. I blinked a couple times. "This is my friend, Janet," Ash spoke up. Two people came up behind Janet. A boy with dark brown hair and a boy with a lighter shade and glasses. Then a girl with light brown hair. "And this is Luke, Peter, and Ashley," Ash introduced, pointing at the first boy, glasses boy, and light hair girl. "Hey," Luke volunteered. "Oh my gosh! It's a Janet!" Peter gasped, running to the table where Goldy lay. "You can call me Ley," The girl named Ashley informed us. "Hi, I'm Janet!" The girl said with a grin that was so exactly like Goldy's that it hurt. "Hi!" Tina said, forcing as much excitement as possible into her voice. "I'm Tina the Tiger, but you can call me Tina. This is Sabre," "HI!" Sabre interrupted with forced enthusiasm. "Aka Chickenface." Tina continued. "This guy in the unicorn suit is UnicornMann - we call him Unicorn. You already know Ash. Out in the daycare room is Derp, Angel, Tony, Kat, Cookie, Dave, Danny, Cassi, Sal, and Lizzy. Derp and Angel are dating, so are Tony and Kat, Lizzy and Unicorn, and Sabre and Cookie. Don't try to break them up because they are all OTP. One more thing - don't even TRY to hook up with Ryan because he and Goldy are still dating. Even though she's dead. But we're bringing her back so if you hook up with him, you die." Tina introduced us. "Ryan?" Ley questioned. "Oh yeah - forgot. This guy here is Ryan," Tina gestured to me.

By the way, I'm not putting another Ryan into the story as well just because it would be really confusing to have 2 Ryans and I am not ready for that.

I gave a halfhearted wave, turning back to stare at Goldy, whose eyes were dull. "Goldy," Peter whispered. "You know Goldy?" I asked him. Peter blinked. "Um. No?" I raised an eyebrow. "Well, we may have met once or twice. Maybe around 15 times when we were playing games," The boy backtracked. "What? And she never told me?" Tina yelled. "Apparently... not?" Peter ran a hand through his hair. "I - uh, Janet, is Elan coming?" He asked awkwardly, backing away. "Ryan..." A voice whispered in my ear. It was the light voice of Goldy - well, Janet. "What?" I asked impatiently, not turning around. "Nobody said anything..." Tina said uncertainly. "Very funny." I rolled my eyes again. "Tina!" Gol- no, Ryan - Janet's voice exclaimed. "Yeah?" Tina asked. "What?" Janet asked, looking up from her bag. "You called my name...?" Tina said, but it sounded more like a question. "I didn't!" Janet protested. "This isn't funny," Tina said, crossing her arms. "Sabre!" Janet exclaimed. "What - um. Yeah?" "Alright I SWEAR I didn't say anything," Janet said, dead serious. "Stop, it isn't funny," Tina grumbled. "YOU'RE. ALL. DENSE!" The voice yelled - but Janet's mouth didn't even move. "Holy..." I inhaled. "Goldy?"

Forever and Ever (Ryan x Goldy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant