Chapter 49 - Goldy

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        Okay seriously, Ash is amazing. If Ryan and I weren't romantically involved, I would be fine with her dating my second best friend. She loves the color green, so we painted the walls a light shade, and it turned out amazing. The rest of her room looked a lot like Tina's other than that. We have rooms right across from each other, and I have to say, I'm glad about that. Plus, Ash is a lot like... I dunno, someone I know. She's nice and funny, and it's really fun to hang around her.

          In the middle of talking to Ash, I hear words drifting to my ears from across the hall. "Ash... in love..." and "care... not..." I felt a tugging sensation in my gut, like when I was harnessing the elements. Wind... I tried out. The conversation was clearer in my ears then. "Can't you see what you're doing? Or are you that blind?" "What am I doing? People seem to think I'm doing something! I don't know that I'm doing anything wrong! So-"

       "Goldy?" Ash asked tentatively. "Are you here?" I laughed. "I'm here." Wind... please!! But my burst of power was gone. Vanished like dandelion seeds, scattered in the wind. "So, Ryan mentioned that you guys have a portal? What does it do?" Ash inquired. "We have a portal." I correct her, and Ash smiles. "And it takes us to mini games where we can play and have fun!" "Can we try it someday?" "We can try it tomorrow!"

       I can't help but think: if we choose teams... who will Ryan choose? Who will Ash choose?

        Maybe I should back off... maybe she and Ryan are supposed to be together.

       "You're such an idiot! Can't you see that you're hurting her?"

       "Hurting who?"

       The voices filtered through my ears again, stinging as they absorbed. Like the words were acid, and I was the only one to hear them. Ash didn't seem to notice, though. Why could only I hear them?

        "Goldy? You're a million miles away!" Ash laughed. "I have an idea!" I suddenly yelled. "Yeah?" I grinned at her, and I felt a rush of hope. "We haven't had a talent show in a while..."

Oof short chapter but enjoy. The talent show will be next chapter.

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