Chapter 36 - Goldy

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This time kinda overlaps with Chapter 35 Part 2...

I ran home from the daycare crying. What was Ryan doing? We finally get past the obstacles. We can finally be together... and then he cuddles with Tina in the middle of hide and seek because he thought I was upstairs. I was furious with Ryan and genuinely hurt with Tina. I thought we had finally gotten through our boundaries and become friends. I didn't know what to think. I wiped the tears out of my eyes. The blurriness went away in time for me to barely hop over a tree root that would have tripped me otherwise. Then I tripped over a tree root in the middle of my victory dance that I didn't trip over the tree root. That's my luck. I sat down on the tree root and buried my face in my hands. I sat there and cried and cried. I was sitting there for a good half hour, when I felt an arm come around my shoulders. I peeked out from between my fingers to see Sabre sitting next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder. It was nice that Sabre seemed to know what to do in this circumstance. Don't talk, just... be there. It was... perfect.

       "Thank you..." I finally managed. Sabre gave me a reassuring smile. "It's okay." I suddenly noticed that Sabre was no longer invisible. I knew I still had my powers, though. The strange energy I felt in my fingertips. "Why... why did you come after me?" I asked the boy. "It was the right thing to do," Sabre told me. "What about Cookie?" I queried. "Well... she kinda yelled at me that if I left to help you she would break up with me... because I evidently liked you better than her..." Sabre admitted. "And you still came after me?" I asked, amazed. "It was the right thing to do," The boy repeated. I put my arm around him, and we sat there for a while. "Want to come to my house?" Sabre offered. I gave him a weak smile - the first in a while. The two of us had been out here for a good couple hours. "Yes..." I said quietly. "Yes," I said louder. Sabre grinned, and stood up, brushing off his pants. "Well, m'lady, will you come with me?" The boy asked, extending an elbow to me with a teasing grin and a funny accent. "I shall, thank you," I replied, hooking my arm through his. We walked to his house together.

      My dad wasn't home for a couple days, and my mom... well, that doesn't matter. She... never mind. Basically, Sabre's mom let me stay at their house for the days my dad was gone. Sabre and I didn't go to daycare for those days. Instead, we stayed at his house and hung out. It was... actually really fun. On the fourth and final day at Sabre's house, I had an idea. "Sabre... what if we make Cookie and Ryan jealous?" I suggested in the middle of a board game. "What? How would we do that?" Sabre queried. "Well, we could pretend we've started dating. Then maybe they will... realize their true feelings for us? And I guess if not... then they don't deserve us," I suggested.

         Sabre grinned, but he grin suddenly faded. "We'd have to pretend we were dating... we wouldn't have to do PDAs would we? Because we're good friends, but... we're not that type of friends. That would be awkward," Sabre said. "You mean Public Displays Of Affection? Noooooo!" I yelled. Sabre looked relieved. "Good," The boy said. I smiled at him. "Okay. You text Cookie, I'll text Ryan." I told Sabre. The boy high-fived me. "We can do this, bud." I told him. Then I composed an email to Ryan. "I'm sorry..." I sent the email with a grin at Sabre. "Operation Envy is a go," I told him.

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