Chapter 6 - Goldy

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         "How long do you think it will take for the others to find us?" Ryan asked me. "Not that long, if you keep talking loudly like that!" I scolded him quietly. He shot me a grin. UGH he knows that grin melts me. I rolled my eyes. "Come on, let's just stay quiet," I said. I froze when I heard a noise from upstairs. "Let's see... is anyone in here?" I held a finger up to my lips, holding Ryan's hand with the other hand, and Ryan didn't even annoy me about being to worrisome.

         "So, did you enjoy the movie the other night?" Ryan asked me so quietly that I could barely hear. Color rushed into my face. "You want to talk about this now?" I asked. "Yup!" Ryan sent me a cocky smile. "It was good," I replied quietly. "Maybe... we should do it again sometime?" Ryan queried tentatively. Is he... asking me out?  I thought.  "Wha... what do you mean?" I stuttered nervously.

        Ryan rolled his eyes. "I'm asking, do you want to do it again sometime? But, I dunno, maybe without UnicornMann and Lizzy there." Even in the dark, I could see Ryan's face blush. FINALLY, it was him, not me! "Ryan Damon, are you asking me on... a date?" I asked him. "Well... I dunno, if I did, would you say yes?" Ryan inquired. "What do you think?" I replied. "Well, I -" 

            "FOUND YOU!" A voice interrupted us. I looked up, and met the furious green gaze of, well, what do you know, Tina. I paled. "Hey, Tina! Nice, you found us! How long were you standing there?" Ryan asked casually. Tina seemed to have her anger defuse when Ryan talked to her. "Oh, just now! What were you guys talking about?" Tina asked. "Um..." Ryan hesitated. "Unicorn and Lizzy," I lied. "And how cute they are," I finished. "Yeah!" Ryan agreed. Tina frowned. "And WHY were you two hiding together?" She asked. "I -" "I saw Goldy head down here, and I figured she might know some good hiding spots, since she is allowed down here," Ryan cut me off. Why did he throw himself under the bus?  I thought.  We don't need Tina mad at both of us!  But I shouldn't have worried. "Okay... as long as there was no FUNNY BUSINESS going on down here..." Tina still looked angry, but it seemed that we were safe for now. "Come ON! Let's go find the others. Goldy, you go search the lobby and 1st floor. Ryan and I will search the second floor." Tina ordered. "Maybe it would be more efficient if we all split up. I can take the top floor, Tina take the 2nd floor, and Goldy, you take the first floor. How about that?" Ryan suggested. "MmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" Tina teakettled again. "NOW my tea's ready!" Unicorn yelled, running down the stairs. "Oh... nope. Just Tina again. I'll get back to searching for the others now." Unicorn said, and backed up the stairs. "Okay, let's do Ryan's plan. See ya, guys. Let's do this!" I concluded. Ryan grinned, and ran up the stairs. Tina glared at me. "Stay AWAY from my RYAN!" She yelled, then turned and swiftly ran up the stairs to search the second floor.

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