1: Ins and Outs of My Life

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"Dizzy, I really don't see the need to redo my hair again."  I complain. 

She beams, her hands clasped under her chin. "Because you'd look AMAZING with this 'do! Really!"

I tug on my long, curly, white-blonde locks. Dizzy had done my hair six times since everything with Endora's curse. The first was to dye my hair pitch-black with blue tips, which I loved. The second was to give said hair bangs. The third was to remove said bangs and re-dye my hair white again, because bangs sucked. The fourth was to dye my white hair blue with black streaks. The fifth was dyeing those black streaks blue, just like my first-ever dye job by her. The sixth, my current one, was to see if I could go back to how my hair was before the VK's came here, when my hair was blonde-white-ish. 

I sigh. "Diz, what would it look like this time?"

"You'd have to wait and see!"

I cross my arms. "Dizzy."


"I am not letting you dye my hair again until you tell me why."

She loses a bit of her sparkle. "Ohhhh, FINE! I wasn't supposed to tell you, but... Carlos, Jay, Evie, Mal and pretty much everyone else are planning something for your birthday."

"They WHAT!?" I exclaim, dropping my arms to my sides. "But I told them---"

Dizzy shrugs. "You told everyone you didn't want something big, but since you missed you last birthday due to the whole... taking-a-year-off thing... we wanted to do something for you. Now can I PLEASE do your hair??"

I huff out a sharp breath. "Diz, I really just wanted something small."

"It'll just be our group." Dizzy promises. 

"Diz, our group is pretty big."

"But, Ellie, let's face it. You need to let go of some of...this." She rubs her hand over my forehead, where I know worry lines are forming a permanent home. 

I rub my forehead, willing them to go away. "Can you blame me? Uma's still planning revenge, there's a chance Auradon Prep might not let me stay---again---I have to study for my final test of my powers from my dad, which I suck at by the way, Hector is STILL stalking me, and I still can't log into any social media accounts without wild accusations that I'm going to overthrow Auradon, and---"

Dizzy places a hand over my mouth. "This situation is more dire than I thought." She says, gently tugging me towards her shop. "Come on, admit it. You need this."

I sigh. "Fiiiiine. Maybe I do... but no cutting this time!"

"Aw, c'mon, it was only a couple inches!"

"You sheared off an entire foot!"

Dizzy laughs and shoos me inside, ignoring the complaining customers who send me livid looks when Diz plops me in the only empty chair. "Just relax." She instructs. "This is an easy dye job, so it'll take like half an hour at most. Then I need to pretend to trick you to coming to the party. K?"

"Great, so I have to act surprised?"

"Yup!" She pulls out a dye bottle. "Now, shut those eyes!"

I roll them then close them as she says. She whirls around quickly, getting the blonde dye out and returning my hair to its natural snowy white state, I think. I honestly can't tell with Dizzy. But right when I've finally started to wonder whether I have any hair left, she pulls back. 

"Ta-daaaa!" She crows. I open my eyes and my grin stretches wide. 

"Okay, maybe I'm not so mad at you anymore." I admit. 

Ellie's Flames BOOK 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें