Male! Kris x Female! Reader

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[This was requested by inesnff !! Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy! ♡]

It was a beautiful October day, the sun streaming through your bedroom window. You wake up and smile, opening the window to inhale the cold air or the morning. You hear your mother's footsteps and the front door close, she must be on her way to work. You shrug and get ready for school, washing your face and brushing out your hair. You look in the mirror, and smile. "Loooking good, Y/N!" Because you heard that if you compliment yourself before the day starts, your brain would be tricked into thinking it's a good day. (True fact!) Before putting on some clothes and making your way over to school. Today was Friday and you'll be finishing off your first week at attending your new school. "Home School" they called it, and it made you snigger all the time. You got your bag, picked up your phone and house key and went on your way to school.

You lived next to the Dreemurr residence, where the other human child lives. Kris, his name was, and he was very nice to you. Although all the other monster kids had been a bit skeptical about him, you didn't know what they were seeing. Kris had manners, and he was a good person. Heck, he even helped that school bully grow nicer, AND helped her get a girlfriend too. That was Susie and Noelle. The now-nice-person and the Mayors daughter.

"Hey Kris!" You see Kris on his way to school. It was weird, not only was he walking to school, but he was coming toward you, not going toward school which was the total opposite direction. "Why are you?-" Kris spoke in a soft monotone. "I was going to pick you up." "Oh" You walked off your door way porch and next to Kris, facing toward the school. "How was your day after school yesterday?" Kris asked, attempting to blow his hair off of his face, which stayed in its place. You smile. "It was okay I guess, I was pretty tired, so I slept most of the afternoon, haha." "I see." "How about you, Kris?" "It was fine. I was just studying with Susie." "Ah, I see." You tensed and scolded at yourself in your head. "Ughh, why couldn't you have said something more exciting??" Kris stops, and puts a hand on your shoulder. "I want to cut to the chase" Kris looked down, his lip curved in seriousness. "Kris, what's wrong? Is everything okay?" You hold Kris by the wrists and he smiles. "Yeah, it's fine. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to get some hot chocolate after school today. Just you and me." You looked at Kris, your face red and your hands shaking. "U-um.. Yeah! Of course! I'll come." Kris hugs you, to your surprise. "Thank you, Y/N" he then proceeded to place a hand on your cheek and said silently. "I just feel like I need to get to know you more."

You didn't know what to say, so you just giggled.

But then words flew out of your mouth to the known. "I want to get to know you too, Kris."

He smiles, and holds your hand tightly leading you to school.


"Awwww, Kris did it!" "Shhhh Noelle, if they hear us, we're screwed!" "Oh okay, sorry" Susie and Noelle look at the two friends holding hands, they seemed happy. "I feel like we owed Kris this one." Noelle looked at Susie. "What, why?" Susie rolled her eyes. "Because without Kris, I wouldn't have had the courage to ask you out on that dance, remember?" Noelle smiled at the memory. "Oh! That's right!"

They both sincerely hope you two work out.


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