Chapter 5

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Daniels POV

A few days had passed and me and Bella seemed to be getting along better then ever. As weird as it sounds we just seemed to click and in all honesty she made my heart skip a beat whenever I received a text.

We both enjoyed talking to each other, its as if we could just be ourselves and forget about our dramas, and all of the odds and the problems in our day to day life (see what I did there ;) lol)

We got into this routine of where I would usually send her a good morning text and once her school was finished for day we would talk for hours. 

She seemed like a happy person, her life seemed to be on track but I cant help feel like there are some things she is not telling me. I dont blame her for that at all because at the end of the day im just a random guy she has met on the internet. I just wish she would realise that even though I dont know her that well I am here for her and she can trust me. 

Its weird not knowing what someone looks like, sometimes you have to remind yourself that you are talking to a real person who has a whole other world outside of the internet. Of course, I dont care what she looks like. Her personality is enough to make me smile but I cant help but wonder what her appearence is.

I contemplate asking her to send me a photo but I dont want to sound like a creep and I definitly dont want her to do something she is uncomfortable with. She has obviously seen photos of me and I dont mind that at all. We dont follow each other on social media either, we are just in this wee bubble of conversation through the internet and im happy with that.

As of right now it has been a week since we have started texting and its like we have known each other for years.

The boys constantly urge me to ask her to face time, but I dont want to add any stress onto her because that would make me feel guilty and unhappy.

"Bro, if you want to strengthen your relationship you need to talk in person, even if it is just through facetime"

"She will be swept off her feet when she sees your damn sexy face, just do it"

"Man up daniel, she might look like a goddess and you will instantly fall in love"

"Whenever you text her you cannot stop smiling, something is bound to come out of that"

I constantly hear them telling me to make a move but I want to take it easy and just see where the road leads.


Bellas POV

I never looked forward to mornings. Dragging myself out of bed, stumbeling downstairs to get a cup of coffee to fulfill my need of curing my tiredness. But recently each morning was more enjoyable due to a blue eyed boy that I couldnt get out of my mind.

Everyday I would wake up to a sweet and kind morning text that would instantly make me smile and maybe even blush. He made me feel wanted and I hadnt experienced that feeling in a while so it was nice to have just a wee taste.

Daniel was cute, it is clear to see. His blue eyes were as gorgeous as an ocean, his toothgap made him even more adorable than before. 

But I cant help feel that im not good enough for him

Daniel is the kind of person anyone wants to be around. Yes, I have watched a few interviews and he is nothing but kind , and gentle, and sweet. But he is taking time out of his day to message me?

You see , he is famous and im not

He is probably one of the coolest people you could ever meet and im just and ordanairy girl from an ordanairy town

Im not like other girls. Im not skinny as a stick, I have curves, I dont wear a lot of makeup. I dont deserve to be talking to him.

Ive tried to push these thoughts out of my head but it might be best for him if I distance myself

But I just cant

I cant get him off my mind

And thats an issue


Hello my loves !

This chapter is just a short filler. Next chapter is going to be pretty spicy so look forward to that!

Have a great day :) x

Bad Timing ~ A Daniel Seavey FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now