Sequence 1: Haunting Shadows

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You bolt up, panting heavily, your face dripping with sweat. You had a bad dream again. THAT bad dream again. All you saw in the dream/flashback was the bastard, Rodrigo Borgia, smiling at your parents and two brothers, and chuckling, "Finally... Your family will die at my blade..."
Seeing as you were only four when the incident happened, you could do nothing but watch from below the floorboards where you were hiding. You tried to keep silent, but you couldn't stop yourself from crying as you saw the blade of Rodrigo's sword, a crimson liquid becoming more present with each stab through the floor, and heard the groans and screeches of your dying family. You faded back to the present and tried to get a towel to dry your face, but you were unable to move, as two familiar arms were wrapped tightly around your waist. You turn to see your girlfriend of two-and-a-half years, Nora Valkyrie, slightly stirring awake, and pulling you back next to her. "Y/N..." she groggily scolded you, "Go back to sleep... It's 3 in the morning..."
"Nora," you try to peel her arms off you, "I'm just gonna be in the bathroom--"
With a sudden jolt of energy, she grabs your arm and pins you to the bed. "Do not try and defy your queen." she tries to dominate you, only for you to flip the both of you over so you're on top.
"We've been over this, my dear," you shower her neck with kisses, "I am your king."
She giggles silently, rushing her hands through your H/C (Hair Colour) hair. You look into her eyes and kiss her, earning a quiet moan of pleasure from the girl beneath you. You release her, and head to the bathroom. Taking off your top, you drop it to the floor and look at yourself in the mirror. Cuts and scars are strewn across your torso and arms, one of which has a bionic hand at the end of it. You grab a towel and sigh, before saying, "That's not very subtle, Nora."

She enters the bathroom, wearing only a t-shirt and her panties. She inspect a recent scar on your chest and asks, "What was it this time?"
"Adam tried to, quote, 'Gut me like a fish,'" you say it, mockingly, in his voice, causing Nora to giggle, "Didn't work out for him."
You both look out the window to see a column of smoke rising from a rooftop in Vale. You look at Nora, who nods, and you put on your gear. As you prepare to dive out of the window, you turn to Nora and make out with her for a few minutes. As you separate, you turn and jump out of the window. Arriving at the smoke column, you are stunned to see Ren, the Templar chain dangling from his neck. "I must admit," you tell him, "I did not expect this."
"Well, I did, Y/N," he said, "You and your other self, the descriptions match: You both like blue, you both hate people like Cardin, and you're both overprotective of Nora. Let me tell you something, assassin scum... She will be mine, even if she doesn't want to be!"
"Wanting something does not always make it your right." you tell him.
He roars and lunges at you, trying to rip open your chest with his knife, but you deflect his shot with your hidden blades and stab him in the neck. "We all knew this would happen." you hear Ren gurgle, the blood drooling from his mouth as you realise he was expected to die.
"Where is Rodrigo?" you demand, holding his head upright.
"So you can do to him what you've done to me?" Ren asked.
"There is still time to clear your conscience." you say, trying to win back your friend.
"We gather at Junior's Bar... When a meeting is called..." his eyes lost all signs of life.
You sighed as you closed them with your fingers, a single tear falling from your own. "I am sorry it came to this," you tell him, "Rest in peace, old friend."
You grab the chain and rip it from his lifeless neck, creating a burn mark where the chain previously rested. You pull out a dagger and stick it into the wall, the chain dangling from it. Let this be a warning, you think, To all who dare call themselves a Templar.

Broken Blades: Male Assassin Reader X RWBY Girlfriend NoraWhere stories live. Discover now