Extract from The Prelude (Stanza 1 of 2)

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One summer evening (led by her) I found

Lance laughed happily, chatting to the small girl with brown curls that he had met that day, a golden haze as the sunset.

A little boat tied to a willow tree

The small girl, a giggly mess, led him down to a small opening. A lake with trees that framed it perfectly, a steady, still, peaceful beauty as only a few ripples broke the serenity as the small girl pulled an old boat out of the mess of vines.

Within a rocky cove, its usual home.

Lance clambered over the surrounding banks' rocks as he helped the mysterious girl by pulling back the overgrowth that entangled itself into the wood of the boat.

Straight I unloosed her chain, and stepping in

The two stepped in, Lance holding his hand out as the boat wobbled of the glassy water, sending shards of ripples flying across the water edge as he clambered in with her, pulling the ores out.

Pushed from the shore. It was an act of stealth

Lance watched the small girl as she leaned forward onto the boat as she ran her fingers through the pristine crystal glass that they floated on, humming tunes that stuck in her hair like a disease that was never to leave.

And troubled pleasure, nor without the voice

He rowed far into the water's depth, ignoring the setting sun that hit the back of his neck and ruffled the small girl's ginger-brown locks.

Of mountain-echoes did my boat move on;

To Lance, this was his life, she was his life.

Leaving behind her sill, on either side,

He asked her name, a simple yet complexed single word

Small circles glittering idly in the moon,

The moon covered and engulfed them in its monotone light, eating its way through the natural golden haze that had once warmed them. The glint in the girl's glasses as each star reflected from her glasses that sat, sliding down her nose.

Until they melted all into one track

She nudged them back up her face, as a deep blush hidden by a sharp, joyful chuckle surrounded him and rang in his ears. Never to leave his mind.

Of sparkling light. but now, like one who rows,

He steadily pulled the boat to a stop as it seemed like the whole world did around him. Almost as if he didn't need the rest of the world, he had it right here right in front of him.

Proud of his skill, to reach a chosen point

The boat was perfectly in the middle of the lake, surrounded by pure bliss.

With an unswerving line, I fixed my view 

Without a single warning, the boat suddenly shook, causing the small girl to hit her side against the harsh side of the boat, gripping at her side as Lance lost an ore.

Upon the summit of a craggy ridge,

Lance went to reach for the girl but she just flinched away from him, looking at him as if she was scared of him.

The horizon's utmost boundary; far above 

A dark shadow cast over the boat, a darkness to the tension as it rose with the fears as tears streamed from the girl's eyes.

Was nothing but the stars and the grey sky.

As Lance looked closer at the girl he saw the stars weren't just reflecting from her glasses but fro her porcelain skin.

She was an elfin pinnace; lustily

Her skin cracked before his eyes as she turned into smoke, blown away to the side by the wind, engulfed by the darkness.

I dipped my oars into the silent lake,

Lance furiously grabbed the last ore as he attempted to paddle through the water back to land.

And, as I rose upon the stroke, my boat

The water that had turned into almost tar, the ores thick as he struggled to move anywhere, trying to stop himself from crying.

Went heaving through the water like a swan;

The water cleared as he started moving back, his back towards the banks

When, from behind that craggy steep till then

His back pressed against something hard and cold, not there before as he turned to see a rock leaning towering over him.

The horizon's bound, a huge peak, black and huge,

The mountain that scared him, reminding him of why he came out here and who the girl really was, the girl's name- so taunting yet so beautiful. The name that was not just a name or a title but a true meaning in itself.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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