Chapter 5

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Lorna's POV
Entering this prison, I knew it was going to be hard for me. Didn't realize it would be this hard. That night I was taken keeps playing in my mind.
Mini Flashback
"No! Lorna!", Wanda had yelled out. She quickly and carelessly fired a hex bolt at the sentinels who had me. "Lorna!", She yelled once again but they forced her back inside the vehicle.
End of Flashback
I don't know why my brain keeps replaying that same night over and over. Why do I keep thinking about it? What is it about that night that's so important for my brain to keep replaying?! As far as jail goes, I'm not the only mutant here. On my way to the showers, there was another one. She had porcelain skin and no hair. I looked at her for a split second before I was yelled to keep moving. What other mutants could be here?
Pietro's POV
"You've completely given up on finding out about our biological father?" "Is there a point into finding out?", Wanda looked down disappointed, "At first I thought I came here to find him, to ask him things that I needed answered. Everywhere we go, there is nothing. We bring bad luck...I bring bad luck" "Wanda if it's abo-" "It's not just about Lorna, it's about us, about my selfishness. All this time, I was the one calling the shots of coming over here, because I desperately wanted a family again after losing the one we had. Then they became a family to me....and I've lost one....again" "We'll get her back. This time won't be like that" "I could've done something" "I can't have you being captured too" "I know, but I could've saved her and she could've been here, and I'd be here too. Safe and sound". The conversation I had with my sister ended the moment she stood up and left. I only stared at the floor in deep thought. Everything Wanda said repeated itself in my mind, like rewinding a scene in a movie. Wanda, really thinks all this stuff she said is true? I don't think she's bad luck or that she was being selfish. Hell, I didn't agree to coming for our father because of her, I agreed because I also felt like I needed questions answered. I did, maybe still want, to find out more about him.

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