Chapter 4

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Pietro's POV
"Wanda! You're ok!" "Yeah", Wanda had a disappointed look. "Where's Lorna?", I asked. "They captured her". I knew Lorna and Wanda grew close the moment we joined the Underground. The new mutant to the underground had explained to me what had happened. "It's not your fault" "Is Wanda ok?" "At the moment no, but she'll pull through. Besides we'll get Lorna back, soon" "I owe her and Lorna. Had it not been for Lorna they would've caught me and had it not been for Wanda, I'd probably still be in pain" "She tend to your wounds?" "Yeah. Is she a doctor or something?" "No. She has learned how to stich and clean wounds since we've been alone" "I've heard you both are from Eastern Europe. What brought you here?". I chuckled, "I don't even know anymore. There was a reason before, but now....I don't even know". Wanda had come up to us, "Clarice are you feeling better?" "Yeah. Thanks" "Your welcome". Wanda walked away, her face looked a little disappointed and sadden. I turned to Clarice, "I'll leave you to rest now. See ya around" "See ya". I rushed towards Wanda and she turned to me. "Are you done flirting?", She chuckled. "I wasn't flirting. I'm being nicer to people like you said" "Sure. Tell yourself that" "Anyways, what's up with you? You seem distracted" "I'm fine" "It's about Lorna isn't it?". She gave me a defeated sigh, "Yeah. I could've rescued her! I should've jumped out of the van and helped her!" "And get yourself captured too! Wanda you can't do reckless things!" "I wouldn't be reckless. Besides I can handle myself" "Wanda if they'd captured you....I don't know how I'd handle it" "Pietro you'll be fine. I'll be fine. The sentinels can capture me but I'll escape" "Wanda , just because you have magic doesn't -". Marcos had come close to us, "Hey are you two ok?" "Yeah we're just talking" "I was looking for you actually Pietro", he turned to Wanda, "If you don't mind me borrowing your brother for a minute". Wanda smiled, "It's fine we were done anyways". Wanda left us and Marcos had led me outside. "What is it? And why did you take me outside for this?" "I have someone who needs help with getting his family over the border. Both of his kids are mutants" "Let's get John then and the-" "No! You can't tell anyone" "Why?" "They have information about where Lorna is. I only need you. You ran fast so you can help me with breaking Lorna out" "I'm not going to help you if we don't have John and and a few others helping" "Why?" "It's dangerous for us to do that. One, this family could be luring us into a trap" "I promise you it isn't a trap" "Two, I know you want to get Lorna quickly. Wanda does as well but right now we need to think of a plan before anything reckless happens" "Pietro we can do this" "I'm not doing it. If you want go ahead". I left Marcos and went back inside seeing Clarice and Wanda chatting. John had come up to me, "You ok?" "Yeah" "Have you seen Wanda?" "I think she's with Clarice. Why?" "I just wanted to ask her how Clarice is doing".
Wanda's POV
I spent the rest of the night trying to keep my mind off of Lorna. I kept staring at the tiny red energy I had in my hand, playing with it to distract and calm my mind. I looked up to see John walking towards me, I stopped and looked up at him.

"Hey" "Hey

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"Hey" "Hey. Are you ok?" "Yeah" "Is Clarice going to be ok?" "She should be fine. Some rest is all she needs" "Wanda are you sure you're ok?". I sighed giving him a sad smile, "I honestly don't know" "I know this is hard for you trus-" "Why did you stop me?" "You could've been taken as well. I wasn't going to risk get you taken as well" "You should've let me. I could've freed her. You know I can do it" "Wanda, I didn't want to risk it. Besides how would you get away with no vehicle?" "I can levitate" "Point taken. Still it was either all of us or just one. We'll get her soon" "How soon John! Who knows what they have done to her! You should've let me help her!".

A/N: I was going to do Comic Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch but they'd be too OP for this universe. I'm doing MCU/X Men Quicksilver and MCU Scarlet Witch instead.

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