Chapter 28 - Power

Start from the beginning

" Yuu! " they all shouted as he slowly sat up.

" I'm back. " he mumbled to himself, " I'll be back in a few. " he said to the others standing up and running towards city hall.
" Gurgh! " Guren cried out as Chess kicked him.

" Spill it already. How did you guys gain power like that? " Chess asked as she gripped his head by his hair.

" A goddess gave it to me. " Guren smirked as Chess stabbed him.

" Don't kill him, Chess. " Horn reminded.

" He's an important hostage so handle him with care. " Crowley said as Chess sighed.

" Hai. Then I'll carefully ask. " Chess placed her high heeled foot on Guren's head that was on the floor.

Crowley's eyes narrowed to a window at the back of the room just as Yuu town through it.

He immediately attacked Chess who was shielded by Crowley.

" Give Guren back! " Yuu growled out.

" Hmm What is this power? " Crowley mused as Yuu attacked him, " Wow. Are you really...human? "

Yuu jumped back to the second floor.

" Asura-Kannon San-To! " three blades with red flames behind it appeared in front of Yuu.

" Drink my blood, my sword. " Crowley said as three spikes stabbed through his hand holding his sword and the blade immediately turned red from the blood.

After some clashing, Yuu was sent barreling to the wall and was about to be finished off by Guren appeared before him and was held at sword point.

" What are you doing here? Go back! Retreat! " Guren shouted at Yuu who stared at him with wide eyes.

" Why? Why do I still not have enough power even when I have come this far? " Yuu muttered as he clenched his hands into fists.

" That's because you are livestock. Fight all you want but livestock will never be anything more than livestock. In the end, livestock— " Crowley was cut off by Yuu yelling, " Shut up! " and attacked him again.

" Whoa, you've gotten faster again. " Crowley whistled as Yuu continued to swing his sword at him.

" That's enough, Yuu! If you use any more power, the demon will take over! " Guren yelled just as Yuu was kicked towards a table by Crowley.

" Demon, huh? " Crowley narrowed his eyes.

" Yuu! " Guren got up just to be pinned down by Horn and Chess.

" Stop it already, Yuu! " Guren pleaded.

" Shut up, Guren! I'm going to save you! " Yuu stubbornly refused.

" You brat! I already said I'm done for! " Guren argued.

" Don't you dare give up! You...You're the one who told me to live! So you walk the talk! " Yuu retorted as he attacked Crowley again only to be defeated and pushed towards the ground.

" Listen Yuu! I already have a plan for myself so you go— "

" Shut up! I'm not giving up. Give me more power, Asuramaru! " Yuu yelled.

" Are you going to keep this up? I will kill you this time around. Even if you are a part of someone's fun project. " Crowley asked.

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