What Do I Love the Most

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Finding who you are is I guess finding what you love, what makes you happy thinking about it alone makes you smile excitedly, finding anything that related to what you love doing makes you giddy. 

Even interacting with people isn't a cup of your tea but knowing that you share the same interest as them gets you hooked up in a good interesting conversation and find yourself laughing and enjoying the crowd when you know yourself that you'd rather be alone in your comfy bed while reading your favorite book. 

You have a lot of interest.. well that's good to know, you got skills that's go with your interest that's makes it better.

You can sing and you like it but you doubt yourself if you're good enough.

You write stories and you like it but rarely got any ideas on how to start and how will it go. 

You write poems and you like it but only when you have inspiration or whenever something that pops up in your head.

You draw and you like it but only when you're bored or when you feel like doing it. 

Of all the things that interest you things that you like 

What makes you happy the most?

What interest you the most?

What is your greatest passion?

Questions that's I'm asking myself for quite some time now but never thought of it that much. 

But When I've been asked by another person I came to think again which is which.

What do I really love the most?  Too bad because I still don't have the answer.

I guess I'll find out soon. 

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